I want to try and get the Mookie collection done and I only need five more collections to do and I was wondering about how much the market crashes when the new team affinity comes out. I need to get 99 vlad jr to complete the ohtani collection and I want to sell piazza now and buy him back after the new team affinity to see if I would have enough stubs to get vlad. Does anyone know how many stubs cards usually go down after the new team affinities?

If I lock in all three of the 5th inning bosses into the 6th inning program collection then can I sell them after? Or does it work like a normal collection like the rookie collection for example.
I want to make sure I can try and get the 4th inning bosses as quickly as possible so I can sell it for a lot of stubs and try and get some of the mlb collection done. Does anyone know what time the program becomes available and if there is an update or something I have to download. Also what are some good ways to farm xp?
When I opened some of my free packs I got a duplicate card and want to sell it but can’t find it now, how can you find the duplicate cards and sell them?
I just got mlb the show 21 a few days ago and I love it, the only problem is that I can’t find Ty Cobb on the mid century groundbreakers team. Does anybody know if he is still in the game or if he was taken out, then why?
Market after ta4
5th inning bosses collection
4th inning program
Finding Duplicate Cards
Ty Cobb