Looking for a DD or 40 man roster HOF league.
Psn anabolic_barber
This happened to me once, I waited it out and got a kiss.
Yes. I have been booted 4 of my last 5 games
4 of my last 5 games have froze in Online Rated(regs) quit playing Ranked seasons because of inconsistency on good user feedback. Started playing Online Rated on HoF difficulty games actually plays very true to stats and is close is Sim baseball. Past 5 games 4 have frozen all after 4th inning was winning in 3 of the games. I had just started to enjoy the game now this. It’s really becoming unplayable.
“Worst Inning”
how do you submit a ticket? This happened to me also.
Like many other my rank seasons record is incorrect. My record went from 19-4 to 30-23. How do I submit a ticket about this?
#statcast ratings
Looking for HOF league
Online Game Freezes after Injury
Server connection
4 of last 5 games froze/DC
If the servers keep going down, can we rename the 1st inning?
Wrong ranked season record.
How to submit a ticket for DD record wrong?
When are we getting a “next gen” game?