Cut check swings way back
Nice game to whoever I just played. Lost 12-10 in extra. He came back 7 runs in
Fastball seems to be the only thing I can hit
I'm silver lvl 17 but my silver lvl 15 reward is still locked and I have not recieved it. I took pictures so I can send to SDS, anyone have the email? And is this happening to other people.
If anything at all from this list could happen. It would be check swings, please get rid of them. That in turn will directly effect the ability of being a good pitcher and also net the results you want on people hitting pitches out of the zone. It wont be perfect but in my opinion this game would be 1000% better without check swings at all or maybe reward 1 in every 15 check swings with it
If any of these are real which I doubt besides tomahawks. It's because of a glitch. Dont lock him in unless you intend to keep him for ever and ever with no quick sell option.
Lol you want all the guys who work hard and research to just hand over there secrets? Market can shoot up for anyone or plummet with each addition of cards/mission or anything. Guys you can no longer obtain will probably rise, guys who hey put packs for in conquest maps out of no where will plummet. Have to watch and learn. But the true money in this market is so obvious I cannot believe no one really attempts it
1st- FOTF Bell
2nd- FOTF torres
SS- Prospect Oniel Cruz
3rd- LS Freeman
Left- Ls Yelich
Center-Left acuna
Right- 99 Reggie
C- cap
99 kluber
Prospect luzarado
Prospect Pearson
Prospect sixths
Flash back OswaltPen
Flash back wood
Ls chapman -
2- bell and torres
Well I dont have gallo or Olson, hopefully you will match up against me for a refreshing line up
@deezchestnuttz said in Just the way I see it:
Nice compliment sandwich . Compliment criticize compliment
Ah you see what I did there
You guys did such a great job with releasing so many cool pitchers. These prospects are great and I love the pitching content from a sp stand point and love the new starting pitching system(has a few flaws but they will get straightened out). And then you put Kluber and Newhouser in the mix. You just took all your content away way you throw 99 sp in at the gate like this. That card should be released around allstar break. No card early game should be higher then the top 2 ranked players in the game. That simple. Stop giving 99 starting pitchers in the first tier of xp rewards. I believe they should be in the prestige award I'm fine with that. Make us play with everyone before throwing cards like that in the mix, that's how you end up with same team and same staffs game after game. Fantastic job with FOTF too in my opinion.
Dont worry I've had 3 errors already today in the outfield costing me 2 games. Guy locks on at edge of circle and I cant move him then he does this spin as the ball flying by his glove
Congrats man, I have acuna and only batting .240 for me. I'm not giving up on him yet, I feel I am not giving him the proper chance
Bring them back please! I miss my tiant and niekro, I loved that year! I wish more people threw a nasty knuck
His .375 batting average in HOF rs games says he will more then make up for that liability. Probably my favorite hitter behind freeman at the moment
Pahaha finally silver 1 and I could not wait to get this guy into action. 851 rs match. He went 3 for 4 with 2 hr and a triple with 3ribbies talk about production. WELCOME TO MY LINE UP FOREVER. Shame I only recieved +18 for the game, 869 now. Just hoping I can get through clean sweep. He should make this WS push that much easier
I made out, pulled Jesus Lizarado and Javier Baez from the only 2 packs I bought. Really enjoy these flash sales
Packed a Javier biaz just have to wait for price to go back up now to sell
Not a bad idea at all, but if you platoon like I do I always get the upper hand
Take Check swings out
Hitting the fastball
Another glitch?
Three Suggestions to Make RS Fair
Roy Oswalt
Best time to buy/sell in the community market?
No Money Spent Squuuuuaaaadddd! Drop yours and rate mine.
How many FOF have you done
Tired of facing the same players...
Just the way I see it
Just the way I see it
When will this BS end?
Just when this game let's me down......BOOM
Need More Knucleball Options
First game with reggie
Are the packs awful or do I have bad luck?
Flash Sale
Two reasons for opener in RS