I agree with the comments, I do believe that it's part of the game. Im just saying I feel like all my perfect perfect within the past few weeks have gotten me out most of the time. Which is why I said I'd rather be early or late than perfect In this game

Not every perfect Perfect though
At this point I wish I wouldn't hit them. Pretty sure the couple perfect perfects I had were deep flyouts or line outs in the event. Pretty sure I hit hr on just late. Just late and just early seems to be the best way.
I think Santander with 13 hrs in June and I believe batted like .282 and 20somethibg rbis
@dmc04005_PSN I agree just thought I'd roll with It but yet didn't work in my favor
The lightning card for player of the month is next Friday right?
@MarioMendoza935_XBL this guy was like let me do this and I'll quit so you can have the win. Then proceeds to go up by like 20 because he wanted some xp and It was in event and we were messaging. Now the game is out of hand and he was like he how about you leave the game I'll finish my events with my last win and we will link up and get in another match and I'll leave It for you to win. Clearly it's not that easy
I know it's frowned upon and I should've just not done it but decided to help somebody with a challenge thinking they would help me too just to find out this community is garbage and the guy went up ahead of me to return and then went back on his word. He wouldn't quit after I let him get his challenge. But guess is what It is learned my lesson with this community.
I opened 75 that I had saved up and got 1 diamond. Josh naylor. That's my luck!
I didn't realize he was the tigers captain! That's prob it -
I'm serious is that a cheat? I'd like to use fielder
How did I play prince fielder? Thought It was only season 2 cards?
I figured that but saw some people were talking about selecting 2 of the cornerstones
How many cornerstones can you pick season2? I couldn't find It. Thank you
Did anyone else's just stop? Mine isn't gaining xp anymore and been about 6 BR games now
Why wouldn't players like bagwell, Jim Edmonds, etc be boosted? They all played from 2000-2009? Anyone better at explaining It than just what the captain card says?
Love when I play and need the win to hit the milestone in events or ranked and get a message after the game saying the game didn't count? How does that happen?
Why do I seem to have a problem sliding headfirst at home? There keeps being plays at the plate where if my runner would just slide head first I would probably be safe, but they continue to slide feet first and then the tag is able to be made a lot easier. I press up on the joystick and up up right and still doesn't work
But no one throws strikes lol
Perfect perfect
Perfect perfect
Perfect perfect
Tomorrow's lighting card
Frowned upon
Card Announcements for Today (6/28)
Frowned upon
Frowned upon
Show packs
Cornerstone captains season2
Cornerstone captains season2
Unlimited bonus rewards
Unlimited bonus rewards
David Ortiz captain
Games not counting
Sliding at home
I know I suck