Thanks SDS, today was a really fun day. You guys really did well with this content drop this week.
350k in XP to get the 1st inning bosses seems too high. Exchanges this year only offer 300 xp. That can’t be right. How does 300 xp seem right when 350k is the number we have to hit.
I get some people can play this all day and don’t work. But most of us still have jobs. And we still play this a lot.
I’m not asking for anything free. I’m just saying, XP that’s given, doesn’t seem like even close to enough.
The servers are slow. It took me a long time last night just with having to sim parts of conquest. I’ve dropped so many games the last 24 hours. I’m not even trying to play online.
Also, most of us are still waiting on our stubs that were taken from canceled orders.
Most of the regulars know me on here and I wouldn’t bash SDS just to do it. I’m pretty loyal to them and I understand patience. But this weekend has been horrible to be honest.
I really hope they figure it out. But after you’re done fixing the stubs and server issues, please look into XP given. It doesn’t seem like enough at all.
Honestly not minding the way the game is playing right now as far as hitting and pitching goes. The more I play it, the more I’m feeling comfortable with it.
I’m absolutely getting better. Feels good to have the work you put in start to show results.
I get why you did it this way this year SDS. But it’s time. Start giving us some fire.
The slow rollout wasn’t bad, but from here on out, we need the elite players to start making their end game appearances.
I’m losing interest in this game and I’m a lifer. Imagine what the casual players are feeling like? I mean you just had Jacoby Ellsbury as a boss.. lol Time for the best of the best to start making their appearances in my opinion.
No more weak Inning bosses too. It was an exciting thing last year and there was anticipation prior to the Inning programs being dropped. This year, it’s been bad.
They made hitting harder because of all the people on here bitching. Like they do every year. There is a crowd on here that just can’t leave things alone. The game had barely been out.
So thank the same crowd that always ruins the game.
Honestly, I enjoy playing this game right now. Whatever tweaks they made along the way seem to have worked.
Also, love that the fastball is legit this year. Same for power. Makes the game more special when you can over power people just like in real life.
I’m not saying it’s perfect, but it’s fun to me and I think they did a good job this year. And the content has been great as usual too.
Hoping the collection reward isn’t too nuts to acquire though. Haha
The best way to get 1st inning stars is to completely neglect your wife or girlfriend.
Banks and Aroldis at 200k.. they are great, but those cards will tank and soon. The 99s are going to start flying now. Don’t blow your stack on lower tier 99s and cards that will come out in packs again.
The best players in the game haven’t even started showing up yet, and they are close.
Now is the time to build that stack of stubs up and wait. And if you like the cards out now and consider them end game, wait just a little bit longer to buy them. I promise you will regret holding especially the elite tier ducks on the pond.
This game is an absolute mess right now. 99% of your customer base is saying just to go back to the game we had at launch.
Give the people what they want. Please. This game is not playing right.
And for the record, I’m still winning and hitting, but it’s not fun. Games are back to feeling scripted and we aren’t getting the results for good input on our part. We were at launch.
This game is playing terrible.
I’m 21-6 in ranked and quit the event with 100 wins. Have enough time playing it to say it’s not fun at all
I love MLB the Show, I invest a lot of money in the game every year. Purchased Mantle this year already. Even if you don’t spend a dime other than the initial game purchase, you deserve to speak your mind. You also deserve a product that works.
The first few days of this game were fun. Everyone was having fun other than 1% of the game population.
Now 99% of the players hate it.
Just revert the patch to launch day SDS. Bring back the game you tested. It was the most fun people had with the Show in YEARS.
This current game doesn’t make sense and if playing terrible.
If you say it’s not playing bad, you’re being dishonest.
Selfish post. But last year when everyone in this game got an end game signature, Trammell did not. And he’s a Hall of Famer.
Short stop is the only position on my team that I don’t like any options available too.
I’d rock Trammell there all year if you do him justice. “Prime” Trammell, yes please.
The timing window is completely shot with hitting and the PCI is as small as it’s ever been. Pitch speeds are also faster than they’ve ever been.
My honest opinion is they got butthurt at all the complaints out the gate and cranked everything up as an FU to the community.
Everyone needs to kiss and make up and SDS needs to find a happy medium. The game was playing great at launch.
99% of people saying it was too easy weren’t even at HOF yet. It was rewarding good input. That is completely removed from the game now.
Pitching is a mess, you can’t paint corners or anything really. Sometimes you’re forced to throw a meat ball because you know more than likely you won’t be able to locate your pitch.
Fielding is a mess. I’ve legit lost games from outfielders not locking on to fly balls.
Baserunning has a mind of its own. Sometimes the runner will just keep running.
Of all the stuff I mentioned, the most broken aspect of the game right now is that timing window. It is completely shot.
And if you leave pitches cranked up so fast, we will lose all the new players you acquired this year. I know a ton of them personally that are about to quit.
We had a lot of momentum coming into this year’s game. Even with it’s flaws, last year was a success. SDS is the only company in these team building games that isn’t a bunch of crooks.
I still believe in this year’s game. The next patch has to get back to what was so fun at launch.
Will be patched by tomorrow!! Haha
Honestly, all your options seem like it would be a step in the wrong direction.
They aren’t going to change the game to help you win.
Losing games in extra innings because the outfielder can’t pick up a ball or make a routine catch!!! Sick of it.
Playing video games is one of my only ways to escape how crappy the country is at the moment. We have the social issues and a full blown pandemic everyday staring us in the face.
I don’t need SDS to take a stance on this issue. Not every human is a piece of ****. If you have a good heart and you know it, there is nothing wrong with wanting to escape the madness in the world for a bit with the games you like.
Things need to change, but police reform has nothing to do with MLB the Show.
I understand what athletes are doing though. It gets people talking about the issues that would usually ignore them.
This country is divided all over the place. Rich - poor, black - white, gay - straight, and Republican - Democrat.
Until we start to come together and work together, we will forever be ****ed.
He’s right up there with Mantle in my opinion (as far as hitting goes). He seems to hit left handed pitching well too.
The fact he’s 90 power and can go up to 93 power from both sides with 125 contact is amazing.
Well deserved for one of the top 3 hitters of all time.
Cobb’s swing as always generated power. Even his (91) would hit HRs.
This is the best inning boss this year in my opinion. Hopefully next inning we get Willie Mays.
Well done SDS. This is why you’re different than 2K. 2k would have made people spend a week’s pay to get a card of this caliber.
Somehow managed to talk my boss into giving me the day off. Let’s hope there is no server issues at take off. Glad to be back!! Most excited I’ve probably ever been for a sports videogame.
Prince. With the cheeseburger quirk
Think he basically fought stage 3 and 4 cancer in silence too. Not many were aware he was sick.
He lost a bunch of weight, and when photos surfaced on the internet, I remember a lot people making fun of him for his weight.
Always treat people well, you never know what they’re going through..
One of the best days in Show history in my opinion
There is not enough XP rewarded across the board in this game
Been grinding my [censored] off to get better
Time to start releasing some of the players people buy the game for
DD has taken a step back this year and here's why...SDS PLEASE READ!
Unpopular opinion: the game is playing well
best way to get 1st inning stars?
Spending stubs right now is a bad idea
SDS, it’s been long enough - revert the patch or fix hitting
stop complaining
Hey SDS, can I get a good Alan Trammell card this year?
I cant hit. Its depressing. I'm stating to hate this game.
Three Suggestions to Make RS Fair
Fielding is unacceptable!!
Lack of Hints from SDS
Ty Cobb is legit
Can’t wait till Friday!!
Atrin reveal
RIP Chadwick Boseman