Directional (?))
Ya mean, what I refer to as -
" toddler TEE Ball " !
It's a skilless joke and is the epitome of what ruins this game for grown folks, those who actually played ball and/or the true fans.
There needs to be isolation toggles just like there are for "guess pitch", difficulty and the other choices prior to an online game search.
{I've said this for years and years now btw}
I play authentic ball as in a chess match, but get matched up with a puppy who plays Chinese checkers and even has extra marbles !!
2 different games and has no business at the same table ( on the same screen ) together.
They have no foul balls and practically no base runners even....just skilless and ridiculous square button mashing home run derby's.
The " fools gold " of it all is they claim to be good, sit in the leaderboards, and some how THINK they are actually playing the game.
Not hardly.
Starting an approximate timing window and
then letting attributes and algorithms do all the work....
That's not " playing " by definition of the word in the slightest.
It's nothing more than
" Watching "
(and some hoping)
Playing a large number of those top leaderboard puppies that are there year after year is mostly laughable.
It's skilless manipulation based on attributes and algorithms not player skill in the slightest.
The mixing of the
" authentic players " with the toddler Tee ball boys in online play IS this games biggest short coming and farce.