A lot of people believe a walk or hit by pitch should just restart the at bat. Ridiculous that you get punished by the game by not getting anything at all to hit sometimes. complete waste of time.

It's frustrating but I'm impressed with how quickly some of these people can dashboard....
Power ratings should put a cap on exit velocity that way players with different power levels would have different results with same input. say trouts cap on perfect perfect is 115 mph, where Pierre could be 95 max or something along those lines. Pierre could still hit home runs, just less often.
Yes I would personally prefer a three inning game mode without a map, that way I could spend my time playing the game instead of staring at a sim screen.
I posted this in a different thread, but it took an hour and a half of simming games after I took the last stronghold on the US map. Time I could have spent doing anything else in the game. Simming doesn't take any skill it's just a waste of my time. -
@IIJACKINTHBOXII said in Try Swing/Pitch Info OFF:
I've been doing it for a week. It makes the game so much more enjoyable. I just wish that I could turn off hit feedback but still see where the pitch ended up without pressing R2.
This is the reason I turned the feedback back on, would be nice to be able to see pitch type/ speed/ sequence but turn off the swing analysis.
Same, understand and I'm ok with the no quicksell for locked in cards. Duplicate locked cards should definitely be useable for exchanges.
Awesome site that should help you attack the TA collections. Show zone
We got moments extreme last year, September sounds about right. I kind of think we will get showdown extreme this year since its the new game mode.
Pitch type and location should matter here too, affecting exit velocity. A fastball middle middle should hit the exit velocity cap more often with a smaller variance, compared with fastball up an in where it's harder to get your hands through and generate as much power, same thing for low and away. hung breaking balls should hit the exit velo cap as well, where down and away there should be a penalty bring the exit velo down. bit.
Would still need some rng as every PP should not have the same exit velo. The variance should depend on power, pitch type, and location. Pitches out of the zone should have a greater penalty against exit velo.
You get the full 5000 when quick selling. The tax is only applied on market transactions.
Complete all of the Topps now moments for the week to get the choice pack. Or just buy him off the market.
Can't stand them at all, when you beat them you just sigh and move on. Does not feel like you accomplished anything at all. When you lose over and over it's frustrating beyond belief, either way it just feels like a massive waste of time. I want to play full games but they have locked so much content behind moments and showdown.
The whole point of DD is the card collecting, give me reasons to use the cards I have collected, let me play with my team.
Even conquest just feels so monetenous at this point having to sim games and sim games and sim games. so sick of time waste.
@ComebackLogic said in Go back to the 99 attribute cap - opinion:
As said, they raised the cap to 125 so that players like Babe Ruth really stood out from everyone else, there was a palpable difference between the good players who may well deserve 99 ratings in various categories and the all time legends of the game who were truly outstanding and therefore warranted stats that went to 125.
They then immediately undermined that concept by handing out 125 to every Tom, [censored] and Harry, from made up Future Stars cards to Topps Now single game flashback versions of current day players. Now, Babe Ruth is apparently on a par with, or slightly inferior to, a whole host of cards, including such luminaries of the game as Jose Abreu, Trent Grisham and of course, everyone’s all time player, the great Adam Duvall. Way to make those true legends stand out, SDS! You’ve successfully utilised the 125 cap to make the real legends stand out from the crowd. Who’d like to see stats that go to 150 next year?!?!? Huzzah!
Completely agree and this is a problem, but the reason they did it is because we complained about lineup diversity. To create lineup diversity they have to give multiple options at each position with similar attributes, which lead to more power creep.
To help with this it would be nice if they added gap power attributes. Cobb should be able to rip doubles and triples but home runs should be relatively rare. I think this would help make contact hitters more viable again.
I think everyone agrees they screwed up the balancing in 18, it was HR or nothing. In 19 it was way better balance, contact hitters were viable. 20 has stepped back closer to 18 where power is king.
SDS needs to make the tiers of power levels feel a bit different. you are certainly right that you should be able to tell the difference between a 120 power and a 110 power.
No matter what scale is used, if power is king, there will be a minimum viable power threshold that a card needs to be in your lineup regardless of whatever scale is used.
the showzone
This site is an awesome resource, it will tell you the current stubb cost, would then need to do the math to calculate how many stubby you need to buy. -
I just finished the US map, when I took the last stronghold I had 99 hexes. I timed my self to see how long it takes to sim all the games to completely take over the map. It took an hour and a half of mind numbing time to sim through the remaining hexes. That time obviously doesn't include all 60 or so sims I had to do to get in position to take over the 30 strongholds.
I timed how long it took to sim the pizza map and it took a half an hour.
With all of the conquest maps we have already done and that will be released through the remainder of the year I can't imagine how much of my playtime is simply wasted on this.
SDS has to figure out something to speed this up, massive waste of my time that could actually be used playing the game.
@schnauzerface said in I am back, and I have learned many a great lesson:
Good morning, simulated baseball competition enthusiasts,
Today, my 30-day sentence in virtual isolation has been lifted. I have learned many valuable lessons whilst serving this fair, just, and necessary suspension. I would like to apologize on behalf of my fans, the SchnauzerFace organization, and to all the people who believed in me. I am a reformed human, and, in the future, I vow to make only positive* comments regarding my fellow forumites' sisters.
As a means of making amends for my unabashedly lascivious rhetoric, I would like to compliment each person who responds to this post. Please tell me one brief detail about yourself, and I will affirm your worth and dignity by highlighting your innate truth, beauty, and goodness.
To prove to my forum brethren that I have truly turned my life around, I will drop the former name of "SchnauzerFace" and all its lewd, libidinous connotations that are attached to said moniker. In the spirit of making a complete 180-degree turn, I shall no longer answer to SchnauzerFace and shall henceforth be known only as PugButt. Forthwith.
I bid you all a good morrow.
His Excellency, The Most Reverend Boris J. PugButt (nee SchnauzerFace) III, esq.*please note that by "positive" I do not mean the same kind of licentiously "positive" comments that lead to my ousting from forumnal society.
as there's a drive into deep left field by Castellanos and that'll be a home run. And so that'll make it a 4-0 ballgame.
Hoping with next gen and expansion to other consoles next year means they finally add a few new classic stadiums and possibly a stadium builder for franchise mode.
I'm pretty sure you cannot earn more than 70 TA points until they release TA 2 (I believe SDS said it in one of their streams). To be safe I would leave that MTO run until they unlock TA 2, that way you do not lose the TA points.
You might want to start a new MTO run with a different team. You can have multiple runs going, just make sure to pick the right one when you hit continue from the menu.
Suprised no one is talking about the new squad management feature. squads. pretty pumped about this myself.
SDS made an announcement a while back on twitter I believe that they would not be releasing any info on the show 21 until sometime early next year.
The Problem with Moments Explained in a Screenshot
Just let the ball land.
SDS needs to make a game mode without RNG
Conquest Auto-Complete...Please
Try Swing/Pitch Info OFF
These Affinity Packs Need a Major Fix
How many gold would it take to get FOF Gallo
Conquest extreme
SDS needs to make a game mode without RNG
Quicksell question
At work so don’t bash me for this question lol
How do we feel about moments?
Go back to the 99 attribute cap - opinion
Costs of all live series cards
Man, conquest is a drag this year
I am back, and I have learned many a great lesson
The old Tiger stadium
Question about team affinity points..
Online squad management