@BJDUBBYAH everything except BR. Hate that game mode.

@BJDUBBYAH you’re playing SIGNIFICANTLY more than the average player if you’re at that high of xp by “just playing the game” I’m around 400k and I feel like I play the game a good amount.
@STEvO651779652 brother battle royale consists of like 90% silver and gold pitchers on all star. Obviously you’re going to give up hits.
For PlayStation players only. Would anyone be interested in creating some sort of league/tournament to play in with a group of like 16 people? We could run the games in play vs a friend and you can advance in the tournament to the finals for some sort of prize. Maybe everyone could pitch in 5 or 10 bucks. And there’s a first and second place prize.
@Pergo gameplay is solid other than unlimited foul balls and sliders shrinking pci size.
@johnnymac819 mlb really got the most toxic community. You do you man, hope you’re successful.
@aaronjw76 hope whatever you’re going through gets better man…
When do you think they actually implement one and will it just break the game more?
@bjd10048 you got that right. They apparently “can’t add wins or xp to an account” so I wasted 45 minutes of my life and don’t even get a single pack as compensation. Such a sorry company. They just don’t care about their players anymore.
Just got Jim Palmer
@x814xmafia didn’t work. Submitted a ticket.
@bjd10048 yeah it’s a joke, this game is so jank. It showed him winning even though he lost by a run lol
I just beat a dude to get into Hof and the game gave me the notification that the game may still be in progress or if it ended due to a friendly quit it will be discarded. The game shows up in neither of our histories. How can I get it fixed?
I hit a p/p foul ball in the TA extreme showdown. I didn’t know that was possible. I thought it only happened online because of connection issues.
@Jaychvz- that would cause way too many duplicate cards.
@JDHalfrack okay and what happens if there’s a card of a player you really enjoyed for your team but they never get a tigers card in my case. Like I loved watching the grandy man and would love him to be on a tigers theme team but he doesn’t always get a tigers card each year. Sometimes it’s a Mets or Yankees card. I think he should be available for all 3 theme teams.
@Teak2112 how would it be abusing it if he played for the Mets? If they played with a team for a full season why would it matter what team you could put them on?
@BigManThunder_19 you can’t play him on a cubs theme team you can only use him as a braves captain. You’re missing the whole point of my original post. Forget the captain card, just say it’s a regular Swanson card. He should be able to play on a theme team for every team he’s played for in his career. You can’t do that in this game. It’s based strictly off the team the player was on for that specific card.
Why can’t we have theme teams with guys that have played for the team regardless of what year a card is from. It would make team builds way more viable and theoretically shouldn’t be hard to implement. MUT has been doing this for years and it’s one of the few good things about the mode.
I don’t understand how co op got worse from last year
SDS: Pushing me towards online play is pushing me away from the game
SDS: Pushing me towards online play is pushing me away from the game
Can We Talk About How Bad the Hitting Is?
Gameplay patch
EP 5 ranked 1v1 is out now!
Ranked season win didn’t count
Gameplay patch
Ranked season win didn’t count
Where’s everyone at XP wise?
Ranked season win didn’t count
Ranked season win didn’t count
Ranked season win didn’t count
That’s A First
Team builds
Team builds
Team builds
Team builds
Team builds
Co-op still freezing