Ill also add to this that I would love for them to add to events, make the lineup creation screen the same as the "manage squad" screen. It is super annoying that they are different formats and I can't just select my lineup by seeing who is primary and secondary at each position.

Post-pitch, we see the batters swing analysis, which gives pitchers enormous amounts of information.
Can we also see the pitchers feedback as well? At a minimum, as the pitcher, I want to see my pitch feedback rather than the split second after I throw it. But as a batter, I think we should also be able to see where the pitcher INTENDED to throw the ball, in addition to where it ended up crossing the plate.
Thanks in advance for the consideration. (If nothing else, please post my pitch feedback on screen before I select the next pitch.)
The other thing that is impossible to predict, along with the flash sale possibility, is what packs and how many, they include in the path. So, you will see those cards plummet immediately, and if those were the exact cards you invested all of your stubs, sucky feeling. However, if you leave some on the sidelines, is a good time to get into it.
For the last couple of weeks, I have been thinking, What if there was additional feedback on screen to show you where your PCI should have been for that particular pitch and the swing timing to have gotten rewarded with a Perfect Perfect?
I think the most frustrating part is that for every time I think I have PCI figured out (it is more about how the bat crossed the zone, rather than absolutely where your PCI is, Ill get the perfectly squared up feedback with just early/late timing and it is a pop up on the infield. I then think, "Where in the hell did my PCI need to be for that to be crushed then?" With the above feedback, I think we could all get a bit better at estimating where we need to be to have more success.
Just my 2cents.
@untchable704_psn said in Take R2ing out of the game.:
Just have the pitches from previous ABs pop up like hot zones. Then all the dudes fake whining about that could see their pitches. Put the pitchers pitches on the right side down of the screen at all times. Why not? Hell put the batters stats there too.
By the way speaking of hot zones. Let me toggle that off too. It annoys me, I don’t use it and it’s more of a distraction than anything.
Nobody uses it for any purpose other than to try to mess with the pitchers.
Lol quick pitching. Online games take like 45 minutes. Y’all want it to take longer so you can do the downward dog yoga stretch before each pitch? Gtfoh.
It should 100% be removed. It’s time for SDS to get that done and appease 90+% of their player base.
I 100% these are good suggestions for QOL and actually do believe SDS plays their game. Give it a shot I bet y’all love it.
Glad I didn't go straight to the bottom to type my thoughts, cuz this exactly. Just make both the batter and pitching screeens the same.
Have they posted a time for the content drop? Can't recall if it was 3pm EST last year. Finding that not having the SDS Twitch streams leaves me wanting.... Loved those free twitch packs.
@worldrevolver said in Check swings..:
I wish there was an option to turn them off. I don't need them and they just get in the way when they auto happen out of the blue.
This is why I clicked on the thread. I don’t mind the called strikes. I’m getting too many checking in the middle of the zone, when it feels like I’m mashing the [censored] thing.
@savagesteve74 said in Costs of all live series cards:
When I last played in 19, there was a website that listed all current prices and you could see what it would cost for teams/division/conference. Anyone know if that site is still around?
this is the correct address:
@zfree1122_psn said in Costs of all live series cards:
@bob_loblaw1984 said in Costs of all live series cards:
$0 spent. Have Trout, Acuna, Cole all purchased through the market place. Happy grinding.
Spent $150+$100 game edition and have Chipper already. Marketplace is wild if you know how to abuse it.
Thanks Runescape for the merchanting lessons.
Oh how I wish I knew the hidden meaning here
My thoughts is that the margins have tanked because they have fixed the listing load times. So, now more people placing orders and filling the gaps. Likely will widen up a bit tonight or through the weekend.
So, stopped playing for a bit and also shut it down, but whatever it was, the logos did end up showing up. Just have to make sure you put it on the "main team logo" tab.
Thanks yall.
I know in years past there has been a separate tab or something where you had to put the logo to have it show on your strongholds. But, I have put it everywhere I can see and it still isn't showing on my strongholds. Can someone lend a hand?
Anyone know how to view posts that you have marked to "watch?"
I have marked several over this year, but cannot figure how to view them online. Someone help me see the button right in front of my face.
@formallyforearms said in POTM reveal:
Hopefully the golds/silvers go up with these. I finally completed the LS last night and kind of need my 100 or so golds to go up to get my stubs back up.
I think they are changing up the drops to keep the market from doing exactly that... Really not many other reasons to constantly change how they time or release this programs.
@CDNMoneyMaker93 said in POTM reveal:
@DarthKDog09 said in POTM reveal:
@CDNMoneyMaker93 said in POTM reveal:
@DarthKDog09 said in POTM reveal:
Consider my first post null and void. On another note, I think Paxton will be the main card since we have no pitchers but those moments are going to be buns. I always skip the pitching moments unless it's a closer.
Hence buying the cards needed to do the exchanges ahead of time before the market increased
yeah I get it buddy. I have a plethora of stubs I'm really not that concerned with it. at this point the only card I would be possibly interested would be that Paxton card, nothing else even comes close to sniffing my starting lineup.
I want Paxton as well but more so for my all Mariners team build
They could put up an Edwin Diaz somewhere along the way as well, Double Score!
It’s an interesting point. If those extra players don’t carry an IRL different designation, what would SDS do to determine who is making the cut for the team?
My guess is they stick with what they have though.
@pbake12 said in Stage 3 showdown moments:
It pretty annoying how they made us the home team for So many of these moments (between bosses), and we can’t give up a run... I have lost a lot off of cheap HR by the cpu on perfect pitches. Not sure why they would make them this way.
Yo, despite the others that will say this is the easiest (which it sorta is), your point is spot on. I have lost several of these stupid moments because of the low and away change up on 0-2 being put in the seats. Annoying that we don't get at least a chance to hit our way out of it or at minimum at least 2 runs. But, oh well.
@KILLERPRESENCE4 said in TA Moments 1-3:
Believe it or not if you use the pitcher view while hitting you can tell what pitch is being made to you with about 80 percent of the pitchers in the game. Not sure how many of you knew this. It kinda like cheating and probably the reason you can’t use that view in online play.
what are you looking at to be able to tell?
The catcher?
SDS Should have 2 Events Going at Once
QOL suggestion
Market value before/after stream
PCI Means Nothing
Take R2ing out of the game.
April POM
Check swings..
Costs of all live series cards
Costs of all live series cards
Community market
Conquest logo not showing
Conquest logo not showing
Viewing watched posts
New conquest rewards
POTM reveal
POTM reveal
Impact on LS collections from roster updates?
Stage 3 showdown moments
TA Moments 1-3