I'm not a fan of "me too" posts, but I can't help myself in this case. L2 is a terrible alternative to the R1 "find the ball" option (at least in RTTS), and I'm counting on the SDS guys to return that to service versus forcing me to use L2. All of the best arguments have already been made above, but I'm hoping that adding my voice here will help convince the devs just in case that's needed.
I'm also not thrilled about the new L2 to slide requirement; I'm having a heck of a time getting used to that. I'd love to see that idea retired as well, but I will live with it if I have to.
RTTS needs to be adequately firewalled from the other competitive parts of the game so that an RTTS player can do what he wants ... IN RTTS. I only play RTTS, and since I'm an old fart, I turn down pitch speed so I can actually hit, since my reflexes suck. Unfortunately, that's a non-starter now, because of the Ballplayer tie-in which forces slider defaults for fairness purposes. I get that, but as an RTTS only player, I'm basically done here.
I'm going back to 20 for now, and I'll watch and hope for slIder changes that might let me come back to 2021.
I am actually OK with most of the aspects of the new RTTS with one exception - Ballplayer. It is now impossible to start a really NEW player in RTTS. You can start a new career, but the player is your ballplayer, and even if you strip out all gear and Perks, he keeps his Base Attributes from previous career(s). I have not confirmed, but I also understand his age doesn't return to 18, either. I just want to chime in to help drive home the point that this KILLS most of the fun I got out of RTTS. Not being able to start a new guy and a new career is going to send me back to 20. I have no interest in DD or any other mode, so the wreckage of RTTS may drive me away from the game entirely unless some of this stuff gets changed/fixed.
Base running/view find ball.
No XP if you change your slidders.
Well you guys ruined the mode that I started playing MLB The Show for.