Dear SDS: please don’t listen to his person about hitting OR pitching.

Is how I'd expect EA to treat it's customers but SDS is starting to look eerily similar in my eyes.
This is SDS's very own forum. A direct line to the player base of their game and the silence from them is deafening.
I, and many others, are not so unreasonable that we're expecting miracles at this time but some communication would be a great start that you actually give a cr*p about the game and player base beyond dropping packs to juice revenue. Packs and stubs, by the way, I will not drop a single cent on until I see something from this company that makes me feel like you care about the game play experience. Silence is not the answer.
Throw us a bone here. Give us something that suggests you are listening, care, and recognize there are game play issues. Even MLB players are calling you out on their streams.
Step up your game SDS.
Edit: if you can take time to comment about stupid drops that mean nothing then you can find the time to comment about the game play experience which means EVERYTHING.
Try reading a book.
Here's the real truth: majority of people are mathematically illiterate such that even BASIC concepts of odds will cramp their brain and stun them into bewilderment.
Most of the games I lose are to players who are better than me. I can be real and honest with myself and my abilities. #rarebreed
Boost your way to being done a program 15 days early then whine because now your play counts towards "nothing"
Get bent
I wish matchups were done by age group lol
I was hopeful that the first 6-8 weeks of this game was just a feeling out process for you content direction but the changes to TA made yesterday really showed your thought process.
To that end, the grind is done. I will use the 3M stubs I have to buy whatever cards I want to use going forward until I get tired of the game (I mostly play coop with a friend).
So a big thank you for helping me figure out my time is better spent putting more time into my hobbies that actually bring me joy (and money as I build custom cabinetry and furniture for friends and family).
I would encourage everyone else frustrated by what has transpired to do the same thing. The only way things get better is by disengaging and finding more enjoyable ways to spend your time. Heck, volunteering somewhere would be better use of your time than giving it to these hacks.
I'm also hoping this is the exact same setup for next year because that will fully solifidy my transition away (and to never return) from your product. I also encourage others to start letting your wallet do the talking. We cannot keep rewarding these gaming companies to treat its customers the way they do - was any compensation given to switch users for the game being for unplayable for two weeks or for those of us who had our accounts wiped (regardless of how long it was gone for, i know i didnt receive anything)? I'm really not sure you guys even apologized lol
None of us would continue to shop at stores or restaurants that do to us what gaming companies do. We need to stop allowing our obsession and addiction to provide them the means to act in the manner that they have been trending towards. This is an US problem and the only way to solve it is to remove US from the equation.
FYI, I'm largely fine with most of the best cards being in packs. That really doesn't bother me in the least. This is entirely about how SDS has chosen to structure the "grind" this year.
Sounds like their strategy to annoy the p!ss out of you is working
Cruz and Williams were a snoozefest to complete and I suck
Good info. What we need is to track the good/okay with ball centre PCI
Streamers and their chat typically fall into one category: complete and utter d@uchebags unless the streamer has a solid grip on not being that type of streamer. Unfortunately, those types of streamers are few and far between.
My advice, keep working on yourself to get better at the game and don't go into streams while you are playing OR after to review what they say about you. It won't end well.
@TPB-Violet-9_XBL said in Would removing Outlier improve the game?:
Maybe not remove it but you shouldn’t be able to throw 99% of the fastballs over 100mph. Like 2 pitchers actually do that I think Jhoan Duran and Hunter green most of the other pitchers may hit 100+ like 3-4 times a game. Bobby Miller had only 8 pitches over 100mph in a game and it blew everyone’s mind. The 100 mph+ should only be on max effort perfect pitches and not all of the time even then.
AND drop the stamina considerably if people are frequently attempting max velo.
Someone wake me when someone who sucks makes a video of an easy method to beat showdown.
100-1 odds says it doesn't happen lol
Lemme know how that works out for you lol
@collin_sds_psn said in Any tech people on here?:
No need for speculation. The team is working hard on the connectivity issues.
I'm sorry but this is some EA type BS right here.
Do better. Be better.
I'm in HOF and games are just mind numbingly boring. My old [censored] just can't deal with the speed of pitches on this mode. I try practicing on legend with jacked sliders but it just doesn't translate over to games. Oddly enough I still win the majority of my HOF games.
I literally cringe playing RS right now. BR isn't an option as I want to play the team I worked hard to build and this current event doesn't really allow me to work on paralleling cards I use outside of some relief pitchers.
45-50 minute games for 2-1, 1-0 scores with a sprinkling of hits and 13+ Ks for both teams is not fun. I can't even imagine how most of WS players bother playing on legend.
RS rewards are pure trash outside of WS so why not let us choose our own difficulty?
not a rant just frustrated that when I have time to play I just don't have the desire to do so because I gotta play in HOF and just quitting out on purpose makes me feel like someone that sits to pee.
Kinda shocked we're a month in and this is the first post about it lol
Hitting patch?
No patch, no communication, no acknowledgements...
What a flop this program
Truth behind pack odds
Online Games Are Rarely Decided By Skill
We need a bonus xp pool
I wish there was a separate mode for those of use who aren't as competitive.
I really want to thank SDS (all gaming companies really)
Why don’t Xbox Noobs Quit?
This new content blows!
So I tracked my perfect/perfects over the last two weeks.
My RS match was streamed...
Would removing Outlier improve the game?
Beat Showdown Easy down by 15 runs with 20 outs! (Video)
Class Action Lawsuit time?
Any tech people on here?
I'm so bored (not a content issue)...
Picked same TA card twice by accident