Being a lefty is a bit of a struggle for me with PP. My issues are never pitching related, always hitting lol

@VioletNine9 said in Too many hits on bad swings:
@aaronjw76 said in Too many hits on bad swings:
@VioletNine9 said in Too many hits on bad swings:
I’m really starting to get tired of the frequency of bad hit balls going for hits. SDS needs to tone something down as of right now I want to say a majority of the hits I give up are on poor swings and it’s becoming extremely frustrating to play against when good center pci swings seem to go for outs more often than not.
I don’t know what they need to fix but they need to re evaluate the hitting in this game this year. I know people think it’s great but when I’m giving up so many hits on bad swings it might be a lot of people are just hacking away and not even paying attention to their inputs which is fine but don’t tell me one thing then show me another.
I think foul balls and nonstop HRs are a bigger problem than hits on "bad swings" but what I find amusing about these types of posts is its always "the majority of hits I give up" as if you don't benefit from these game mechanics as well.
I actually have decent timing and pci placement so no I generally don’t benefit as much as some people
Suuuure you do. Yeah, we absolutely believe it's only people you play against that get rewarded for bad swings and never you.
@VioletNine9 said in Too many hits on bad swings:
I’m really starting to get tired of the frequency of bad hit balls going for hits. SDS needs to tone something down as of right now I want to say a majority of the hits I give up are on poor swings and it’s becoming extremely frustrating to play against when good center pci swings seem to go for outs more often than not.
I don’t know what they need to fix but they need to re evaluate the hitting in this game this year. I know people think it’s great but when I’m giving up so many hits on bad swings it might be a lot of people are just hacking away and not even paying attention to their inputs which is fine but don’t tell me one thing then show me another.
I think foul balls and nonstop HRs are a bigger problem than hits on "bad swings" but what I find amusing about these types of posts is its always "the majority of hits I give up" as if you don't benefit from these game mechanics as well.
I wait a day or two for prices to settle out, buy them to complete the program faster then sell them back. I do this even while having plenty of stubs that I can afford to keep them.
@Easy_Duhz_It_ said in Sick of buxton:
@maddog7780 said in Sick of buxton:
All part of the SDS plan this year. Give the community a card that will help drive up sales of certain cards in packs and programs so people will spend more money on stubs to create meta teams.
Are we supposed to demonize a company for doing what a company is supposed to do? This isnt a small independent studio that makes a game solely for the love and adoration of the community. They're supposed to make money so they can continue to make these games every year.
Maybe im in the minority here but i've accepted the fact that no matter how much i play, i will never have the "meta". I'll never finish season collections because i refuse to spend any more than the initial $100 i paid for the deluxe edition. And im ok with that. Not everyone is gonna get every card in the game just for playing. But im also not gonna fault them for trying to maximize their profits. Thats how businesses are supposed to work.
Stop being rational you bootlicking schill lol
@Adro97-_- said in Hitting type:
@aaronjw76 it would change how you pitch? Are you dumb?
Are you a moron?
@arvcpa said in How are low skilled people suppose to complete BR?:
I sit in the 600's for ranked. I win 4-5 games per BR entry, so I was able to get it done for a reasonable amount of stubs. So, I'm not sure what to say. How are you in Ranked? Do you play over there?
That said... I really struggle in events, especially early in the cycle. Keep your chin up.
I let the goons get events over with before bothering with them lol
@Adro97-_- said in Hitting type:
@go4stros25 yeah they would but I feel like there should be a way to tell in the batter analysis.
Why does it matter? Would it change how you pitch? Answer: no. So I repeat, why does it matter?
@go4stros25 said in For accounts that were reset:
@aaronjw76 I'm not calling anyone a liar, but ad soon as I found out that accounts were being erased I screen shot all my high diamonds, my stubs, my current orders, everything.
I notice on Twitter/X everyone is saying they lost their babe Ruth, trout, ohtani.
I'll go ahead and call them a liar for you lol
The only time I believe these people is launch night when servers are puking all over the place
@Jr_Trinity said in For accounts that were reset:
I lost trout
Funny how so many people suddenly pulled trout or ohtani at the exact moments that SDS have issues.
I thought about it but my luck is they are only available for TA1CH1 so not bothering to waste time lol
I'm calling BS on this. I sent in a ticket yesterday afternoon just so that I could show some verification that my account had issues. I had no expectations of a reply given that I knew they were probably overloaded.
I received a reply right away.
Transcripts below.
So, you've sent in numerous support requests and haven't received replies meanwhile I sent one original and had two follow up replies within minutes? Yeah I'm calling BS on you.
P.S. shoutout to Charles. You're the man! Thank you for being in touch.
Thank you. I truly appreciate the prompt communication.
On Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 06:31:45 p.m. EDT, Charles (The Show Support) wrote:
##- Please type your reply above this line -##
Your request (ticketID) has been updated. To add additional comments, reply to this email.Charles (The Show)
Apr 4, 2024, 3:31 PM PDT
Alright, if neither of those is accurate, please just hang tight there, and we'll do our best to have news as soon as we can.
The Show SupportMyName
Apr 4, 2024, 3:29 PM PDT
Hi there,
I just tried as you suggested and after unlinking and relinking this is what I am seeing...This is concerning me now lol
Thanks for your email.
1712269697311blob.jpgCharles (The Show)
Apr 4, 2024, 3:24 PM PDT
Hi MyName,
Thanks for reaching out, we appreciate your patience.
We're aware of the account issues that users are seeing and are working to get it resolved ASAP. Your account progress is not lost - we'll send a follow-up message once we have an update.
In the meantime, you can try to relink your account in the account dashboard.
If you do, make sure to choose the account with the correct stubs and level!
The Show SupportMyName
Apr 4, 2024, 3:22 PM PDT
Hi there,
I don't want to pile on with all the other messages you've likely received today but I want some documentation that my account, including all stubs and progress was reset to zero (0) sometime during the night last night while I was sleeping.
This appears to be an issue affecting a significant number of users. We would really like to get our accounts back and able to play the game again.
Thank you.
MyNameThis email is a service from The Show. Delivered by Zendesk
My account appears to be fixed and back to normal
I had almost 3M stubs, all the gatekeeper cards, 400K left to buy to finish the LS collection (nothing locked in yet), Randy, Gagne, Donaldson, Skenes, and Burns in addition to all of TA and Easter done.
I will be massively annoyed if they can't fully restore my account and likely done with the game for good .
I really don't even care for compensation (doubt it comes anyway). I just want my account back.
@sbchamps17 said in Are The Streamers Freaking Out?:
Mine wasn't affected either which I'm very happy about. From everything I've heard if you were playing the game when it happened then you would have been affected but thankfully I was sleeping and wasn't affected by it. Did freak me out when I found out that this happened though
I was sleeping and was affected
Maybe because I just stay logged regardless of playing or not -
@chucky97___ said in So we're basically grinding 2 months nonstop for cards that will be useless within a couple weeks?:
@aaronjw76 We should just log on the game and get the rewards for free
Why are you putting words into my mouth that I didn't say or even infer?
@chucky97___ said in So we're basically grinding 2 months nonstop for cards that will be useless within a couple weeks?:
@Bearsfan217 The Ta's fly by this year, i have barely even tried to complete the TA's and finished the the AL east already, once you get the bossess the grind just flys by, this is nothing like last year and again, the cards overalls will rise each season, this way is the same as not have a season, you ddont want to use these 89's in July do you?
I disagree. It's fine for right now but doing it 3x per season? Going to be tough to swallow heading into season 2 IMO
There's already a thread about this
@fubar2k7 said in Daily XP Limit Reached:
Are you guys scoring 50 runs per game on rookie or something because I play the entire time my girlfriend is at work and never hit the cap?
Also this. I played a craptonne over the weekend and never once hit the daily limit that I'm aware of.
I really think people are low balling their playing time to make it seem like if you only play for 1-2 hours that you will hit the cap limit.
I completed all three TA conquests, did some moments, completed 3 showdowns (2 TA, 1 spring) and half way through a TA mini season. Did not hit the xp cap that I was aware of.
@NWOStunna said in Stub count:
Why in the world can’t I see my stub count on the app???? This needs fixed immediately.
Just close and reopen. It will show again.
Anyone not use pinpoint pitching online?
Too many hits on bad swings
Too many hits on bad swings
True/False - Can’t complete sets without buying packs now?
Sick of buxton
Hitting type
How are low skilled people suppose to complete BR?
Hitting type
For accounts that were reset
For accounts that were reset
Season 1 Mini Season
Zero accountability
Let's assume for a minute, they can't bring back accounts...
Let's assume for a minute, they can't bring back accounts...
Are The Streamers Freaking Out?
So we're basically grinding 2 months nonstop for cards that will be useless within a couple weeks?
So we're basically grinding 2 months nonstop for cards that will be useless within a couple weeks?
Market at Full Release
Daily XP Limit Reached
Stub count