Best kontrol freak?
Heard the Galaxy is best for the show. Any one get ideas or tips for zone hitting with buttons? I use theshow15 camera for both hitting and pitching and although not a popular camera angle, it's always worked best for me. Wondering if anybody recommends any specific kontrol freaks and grips?
I’m interested about this too. Was wondering if they even help for mlb
Saw videos online for the Galaxy one. Can't use the regular joysticks for this game... Trying to research it
It’s personal preference based on shape and height.
90 degree angle.. interesting! I'll give that a try!
I just got Galaxy's over the weekend and i havent missed with my PCI as i had before.
I just got some of the Omni. I was thinking about the Galaxy but I heard that one of the sticks is taller than the other and I didn’t want two different sizes. The Omni is the shorter ones tho, should I have gotten the ones that are higher up? Or will this be good for now?
I personally like having the higher stick for aiming my PCI. It helped me with thumb placement on the sticks. Ive never used the omnis. Just play with them and see how you do.