Need input. User catching?
Just spitballing here, but Has anyone thought about what a user catch meter for outfield fly balls would look like? could that even work? There’s already a system in place for robbing homeruns on a timed jump at the wall. Could that be something used for catching fly balls in the outfield?
I mean with all of the errors happening with players not locking into animations for outfield fly balls, would it be possible to add total user control to catching the ball in the outfield? What do you guys think?
I think this is a great idea and should be added. Although I have noticed flyballs, in general, haven't been getting locked onto so I think this should be for infield and outfield
Only thing I’m worried about with this type of idea is line drives to the infield
Let's just hope they can fix LF issues on catching fly balls I've noticed that's where the most errors are occurring... And then on the infield easy popups arent being locked on 2.