Alright SDS, pick your pitcher was fun in theory....
jhack9replied to maskedgrappler on Apr 17, 2020, 6:07 PM last edited by jhack9 Apr 17, 2020, 6:08 PM
@maskedgrappler said in Alright SDS, pick your pitcher was fun in theory....:
If you pitch in a game, start or relief, it should be 3 games minimum before you can pitch again.
The only problem I forsee with this is RPs would get gassed, qnd they can only regen if they are in your pen. Unless its specifically tied to Starting pitchers then it would be great
@jhack9 said in Alright SDS, pick your pitcher was fun in theory....:
@maskedgrappler said in Alright SDS, pick your pitcher was fun in theory....:
If you pitch in a game, start or relief, it should be 3 games minimum before you can pitch again.
The only problem I forsee with this is RPs would get gassed. And they can only regen if they are in your pen. Unless its specifically tied to Starting pitchers then it would be great
I'm specifically talking about starting pitchers, yeah. Relievers have the opposite problem, they're gassed after 5 pitches.
It's not the choose you pitcher thats the issue, its the Energy/Stamina as others have said. More Stamina should be drained and pitcher should not bounce back as fast....if they fix it, it will be fine. No way i'd want to go back to random SP....
They just need to tweak energy better. I thought coming into the year energy would deplete too fast or something but its the opposite. I love the energy management feature and being able to choose starters. Nothing irritated me more last year than getting a new boss or dropping 100k on a starter and not being able to actually use the card until the game let me.
It's all very ironic since I feel like they made it a mission to release better RP in the year so far. But there's no real incentive for someone to do so when they can piggyback starters each game. There's definitely a workable fix here if they work on it.
Im sure I'm rare in this, but I do try to run a 5 man rotation. I do always use 4 and have the 5th as an emergency back up for whenever (which happens to much) my starter decides he wants to play a game of let's hang every pitch.
I pitches a complete game with Kluber with 100+ pitches and he had half energy going into the next game. That isn’t right
I think it'll balance out it the long run, but energy regen needs to be dealt with. I can throw 100+ pitches with Kluber and have him go 7 innings 2 games later
Everyone choosing Kluber right now isn't much different than SDS "randomly" selecting Kershaw/Kershaw match ups for 9 out of every 10 games for the first two months of 19. At least this year when there are more 99 starting pitchers available you won't get stuck with the same guy every single game.
I still believe making the switch was the right idea and I hope they keep it for next year. It just needs to be tweaked. Many have mentioned that stamina regenerates too quickly, and that is the biggest issue. Another possible solution would be to alter the rate at which stamina depletes if you bring a guy back on short rest. Maybe have his stamina deplete at 1.5x the normal rate or something like that. Give players an incentive to stick to a regular 5 man rotation if you don't want it done all the time.
I also think that if you bring a starter out of the pen, their stamina should deplete even faster than that. Maybe have it deplete at 2x the normal rate. That would prevent players from doing it on a regular basis, and it would be reserved for desperate times (For example, when you're one game away from World Series).
Keep it. Lock starting pitchers out for 2 games if they drop below 50% stamina. Easy solution.
Online play needs to go back to random pitchers or make it where you pick 3 or 4 games of starters, than after those games you can change it up. Right now you can use 2 starters and bring them out of the pen at any time. Between this and good/okays and dropped fly balls I’m not playing.