Thank you for the pack luck.
While skeptical to play online lately I have been grinding events and showdown to try to stay busy. 20 pack for 100 wins yields arenado. And just tonight beating the nl east first boss nola I received Mike trout out of my silver pack. 0 money spent and some investments and im only 7 teams away from mantle now. Never thought id be there this soon.
Congrats. I ripped a 50 pack bundle last night, no diamonds. Such is my luck.
The best pack I had all year so far was a twitch drop that I got Verlander.
Got lucky and pulled Ketel Marte in a twitch pack last night. Not the highest price, but that's 25k I didn't have to spend so gotta stay thankful
The first 3-4 weeks I had shat luck. Last 3 nights I pulled Arenado in the program BIH pack. Story in a twitch pack, and then lastnight got Cole after a RS win.
Debating on what to do with them. I have all the easy teams collected and the others are all 32+/40 but it’s hard not to see Cole and Arenado worth over 200k and cash in on that.
Buddy and I ripped 120 packs in total last night, we only pulled Walker Buehler. Nice to see somebody getting lucky at least.
@Soucy81 said in Thank you for the pack luck.:
Congrats. I ripped a 50 pack bundle last night, no diamonds. Such is my luck.
That was me the other day + i ripped 5 headliners right before with not a single diamond
I've had decent pack luck this year I'd say. I haven't pulled any diamonds from packs that I bought, but I have pulled several from free packs (programs, events, etc). From those I've pulled: Marte, Harper, Chapman, Hader, Yates, and Kershaw. None of them are particularly expensive, but they're all better than pulling silvers or golds. I'm just four cards away from Mantle no money spent. Unfortunately for me, those four cards are Trout, Cole, Scherzer, and DeGrom.
@Ravenm_c said in Thank you for the pack luck.:
While skeptical to play online lately I have been grinding events and showdown to try to stay busy. 20 pack for 100 wins yields arenado. And just tonight beating the nl east first boss nola I received Mike trout out of my silver pack. 0 money spent and some investments and im only 7 teams away from mantle now. Never thought id be there this soon.
How did you pull Trout out of a silver pack? Don’t silver packs only have silver players in them??
@mgsfan222 said in Thank you for the pack luck.:
I've had decent pack luck this year I'd say. I haven't pulled any diamonds from packs that I bought, but I have pulled several from free packs (programs, events, etc). From those I've pulled: Marte, Harper, Chapman, Hader, Yates, and Kershaw. None of them are particularly expenses, but their all better than pulling silvers or golds. I'm just four cards away from Mantle no money spent. Unfortunately for me, those four cards are Trout, Cole, Scherzer, and Degrom.
I wish I had somewhat decent pack luck or I think I’d be done. I’m just Arenado, bellinger, Betts scherzer and degrom short of finishing up. I’m a few wins away from the BIAH pack from 120 event wins, and I’m hoping the player program drop today gives some packs out too, but with my luck, I doubt I’ll get anything noteworthy
️. I’ll just have to hope I can go on a br run where AS difficulty doesn’t bring out a ton of randomness.
@Sayjinman said in Thank you for the pack luck.:
@Ravenm_c said in Thank you for the pack luck.:
While skeptical to play online lately I have been grinding events and showdown to try to stay busy. 20 pack for 100 wins yields arenado. And just tonight beating the nl east first boss nola I received Mike trout out of my silver pack. 0 money spent and some investments and im only 7 teams away from mantle now. Never thought id be there this soon.
How did you pull Trout out of a silver pack? Don’t silver packs only have silver players in them?
The ones you get from ten pack bundles have a chance at a diamond -
@TheMayor_44 said in Thank you for the pack luck.:
@Sayjinman said in Thank you for the pack luck.:
@Ravenm_c said in Thank you for the pack luck.:
While skeptical to play online lately I have been grinding events and showdown to try to stay busy. 20 pack for 100 wins yields arenado. And just tonight beating the nl east first boss nola I received Mike trout out of my silver pack. 0 money spent and some investments and im only 7 teams away from mantle now. Never thought id be there this soon.
How did you pull Trout out of a silver pack? Don’t silver packs only have silver players in them?
The ones you get from ten pack bundles have a chance at a diamondWatched a streamer get a diamond out of a silver pack. Just very low odds to get anything but a silver, but its possible. As with most of us, we don't have that kind of luck lol
I’ve gotten marte and that’s it for diamonds this year. Last year I had the collection done within 2 months so unless they are gonna start juicing my packs it’s gonna take a while.
I don’t buy packs with stubs and I don’t buy stubs. I’ve beaten the big conquest map 3 times now and I’m silver 26. Just have [censored] luck this year -
I need some of this luck. I have not purchased any packs since starting, but I have earned a ton of packs and leveled up to prestige levels... all I have pulled is Chapman, Springer, Altuve, Springer, and Altuve again last night.
And to those that pull springer.... you know the disappointment of that reveal.
@Sayjinman said in Thank you for the pack luck.:
@Ravenm_c said in Thank you for the pack luck.:
While skeptical to play online lately I have been grinding events and showdown to try to stay busy. 20 pack for 100 wins yields arenado. And just tonight beating the nl east first boss nola I received Mike trout out of my silver pack. 0 money spent and some investments and im only 7 teams away from mantle now. Never thought id be there this soon.
How did you pull Trout out of a silver pack? Don’t silver packs only have silver players in them??
I checked the odds on a silver pack the other day and the odds of pulling a diamond are something like 1 in 300. So it is very rare.