$1200 Stimulus Check. How much we wasting on stubs?
@Oachs83 said in $1200 Stimulus Check. How much we wasting on stubs?:
If you are sitting good financially and the $1200 is throw away money to you I really hope some of you will spend it in your local community. People’s lives are really being affected by this and you would be surprised how much you can help by going to a locally owned business and buy curbside food or shop at a local hardware or music store. Do what you want it’s your money but take note that you can make a difference in your community. Not saying don’t spend anything on SDS by all means enjoy the game just realize much better cards will drop in the coming months and that $1200 you would spend on the game now will look like an absolute waste when you can get a 99 diamond for grinding a couple missions in three months that will blow 95% of the cards you can acquire today. Spend local!
I go to my favorite takeout place at least once a week to grab lunch or dinner. I’m a serious health/fitness junkie, and they make incredible food that is very healthy.
Are you seriously spending your fuc@&ng stimulus check on stubs? GTFOH
@Kamehamebrah said in $1200 Stimulus Check. How much we wasting on stubs?:
LOL at the guys in here saying they pulled multiple and didn't spend any money.
Sure ya did.
I've pulled him three times, only bought stubs once. It happens. I haven't pulled any of the high tier pitchers, Cole getting close to Trout range on the market. Trout isn't the only expensive card in the game my friend.
@greenbuk75 said in $1200 Stimulus Check. How much we wasting on stubs?:
@Ikasnu said in $1200 Stimulus Check. How much we wasting on stubs?:
@Kamehamebrah said in $1200 Stimulus Check. How much we wasting on stubs?:
LOL at the guys in here saying they pulled multiple and didn't spend any money.
Sure ya did.
Truth be told, I've pulled 3 and haven't spent a dime on the game aside from initial purchase. Plenty of guys here are witnesses too.
Well frig u, I've never pulled a trout and it took me a whole 1.5 years from MLB 15 to 16 before even getting a diamond pull
I've had ridiculous luck with packs tbh. I packed Trout last year when the game didn't matter and I was ripping to RIP, but this year has been phenomenal for me. I've seriously packed close to 25 diamonds.
Spent $430 on a monitor. No money spent forever!
Bought a 60 inch 4k tv for the living room and a kitchen appliance package for the wife. $3k gone in under an hour. I won’t buy stubs, this game is a mess. Idc if it takes me til October to finish the collections
I've somehow pulled him 4 times this year already
Reported to the government for investigation
Imagine everyone has Mantle by tonight smh !
@Raider52Morrison said in $1200 Stimulus Check. How much we wasting on stubs?:
how many of you gonna waste it all on stubs? Thinking of spending 1k on stubs? Trying to pull Trout. I know it would be cheaper to buy him but that animation of him popping up after the pack opening is to much to pass up.
I’m paying rent with that as I no longer live with my mom. On my own like a real man.
A couch. And maybe pay off my car
@i4theluvofthegam said in $1200 Stimulus Check. How much we wasting on stubs?:
Geez I hope people don’t blow their stimulus check on stubs...
youd be surprised
@D_e_m_I_s_E said in $1200 Stimulus Check. How much we wasting on stubs?:
I haven't pulled Trout ever in this game. Sure as hell not going to put in money trying. None of my stimulus money is going toward this game.
I've only played 18 and 20, but I opened over 10K recorded and around 450 non recorded packs on 18 and didnt pull him once. This year no luck either.
@formallyforearms said in $1200 Stimulus Check. How much we wasting on stubs?:
@D_e_m_I_s_E said in $1200 Stimulus Check. How much we wasting on stubs?:
I haven't pulled Trout ever in this game. Sure as hell not going to put in money trying. None of my stimulus money is going toward this game.
I've only played 18 and 20, but I opened over 10K recorded and around 450 non recorded packs on 18 and didnt pull him once. This year no luck either.
Ive pulled Trout twice, both last year.
Granted it was at the end of the year after I bought 1000 headliners, so it was pretty much useless, but still lol. -
@LamGoHam said in $1200 Stimulus Check. How much we wasting on stubs?:
Anyone that blow they stimulus on this broken game needs to reevaluate their life.
Anyone that worries about another man's money needs reevaluate their life
Things could get dicey. Unless you have money in the bank to last a month or two, you should really get your priorities in order
@Raider52Morrison said in $1200 Stimulus Check. How much we wasting on stubs?:
how many of you gonna waste it all on stubs? Thinking of spending 1k on stubs? Trying to pull Trout. I know it would be cheaper to buy him but that animation of him popping up after the pack opening is to much to pass up.
All of it. It’s not how much you make, but how much you spend.
never once pulled a trout - playing since 2016