Once again stadium creator is completely neglected. Same crappy useless animal, alien, road props, same batters eyes(in which most you cant put anything right next to). Still no wall customization(distances, HR border, sponsorships, wall scoreboards, etc). We need more customization(see parenthesis above). Custom foul territory, movable bullpens(even if there's preset location options), light tower props from ALL 30 stadiums, multiple brick and stone concourse props. More USEFUL stadium related props. The vault also needs to be changed. It's too hard to navigate, give us the option to jump to a certain page like we can in the roster and logo vaults. Also, we need the option to delete stadiums from our vault.
Preach it, brother! Maybe SDS will finally start to listen!
Long post inbound, sorry boys
They dropped the ball this year big time...even if they changed up the field layout itself (go from jewelbox to say, Kauffman(below), or Angel stadium's layout
See how the foul ground is curved inward at an angle instead of straight out? This would in turn allow the current seating props to fit better as well, due to the seating props, specifically the home plate ones, not being the exact same radius at the wall itself.
Even if still unmovable, if we could choose which preset location to use: "Side by side" (Boston-pictured first) "double stacked"( Baltimore- pictured second), or "outfield" (Toronto pictured third)...I'd be happy
I don't mind hard presets, but give us a few options to create something different. Seating props already exist that contain 7 or 8 less rows, and I believe it was for this reason originally.
Speaking of seating, I would like to see more seating options added. Mainly, and I'm going to use Petco in SD as my example. See how the sections are smaller? And look how many funky angled seating "blocks" there are? Especially towards the corners. Adding seating like that would allow for more realistic sight lines as well, this goes for the upper decks as well, why we don't have "wedges" of seats for the upper decks the way we have them for field level is something I don't understand.
Outfield seats: I'd like to see those same seating blocks, or even the SF type outfield seats/bleacher options like this. Side note: Why we don't have the coke bottle prop yet is beyond me lol
And then, seating options like the Chophouse seats in Atlanta...another thing that I don't understand isn't an option
We also need better batter's eyes...OR allow us to make our own. The grass ramps/grass "concourse" pieces are tailor made for that sort of thing. The blue/green/red/ shipping containers would work. Adding the option to change the colour of the "neon" would be good. Then of course the same requests: scoreboard inlays, homerun stripes, distances on the walls, better club seating options etc, chain link fences. I'm hoping that now that I've provided pics for examples of what we're looking for...maybe they'll look.
@Sarge1387_PSN Yeah the seating definitely needs some updates. There's not many stadiums nowadays that have those huge field level stands that are in SC, if they could give us FL stands that are half that size then that would be good. The only bleacher style seats are those old, ugly ones that are currently in SC. The batters eye is another thing. First, why on earth is there so much space between the eye and the wall? It makes zero sense. There also needs to be more smaller eyes that we can actually put props right on it, most of the ones we already have are basically useless because you can't put anything close to it. I have a whole wishlist for SC but I know we'll never get any of it cause SDS doesn't care
Last year I tried to give specific feedback to SDS via their suggestion option about creating a raft of what I termed "building block" props. These were props devoid of limited theme, but instead were small individual segment type props that would dovetail tightly together to form seating sections that would be scalable and robust.
I recommended a simple straight seating block on a concrete aisleway type foundation that was six by six, with a rounded seating block that rested on the same concrete aisleway type that was six seats across at the front and about eight seats across the back with six rows total.
Then create a railing prop that would match the incline of these building block seat props, plus a blank aisleway concrete segment that would go with the railing props to form an actual walkway leading to the seats. Finally, create an entryway that would allow designers to replicate how such entries are used to give fans access to dugout level seating from a luxury box type area below the stadium seats out of sight.
Add to this expanded wall props and wall types, to allow custom placement of outfield distance marks, realistic ivy, wall windows and doors that properly mesh together. Finally, treat batters eye props the same as any other prop, meaning you could put fans at the top of them or in the windows or walkways, but also seam other props snugly against the sides.
Finally, allow the same custom movement of the baseline walls as is already available to the outfield wall.
This would be easier to code up than the disappointing Future Stadium prop series that SDS coded up for MLB 24, and yet would allow stadium designers the freedom of creativity that's been sorely lacking for all these years.
@PriorFir4383355_XBL said in Neglected:
This would be easier to code up than the disappointing Future Stadium prop series that SDS coded up for MLB 24, and yet would allow stadium designers the freedom of creativity that's been sorely lacking for all these years.
This is the part that bothered me the most, I remember you and I talking about this last year when we were figuring out what pitch to SDS. Those "future" stands took way more work than it would have taken to code the wall as the trim point. I don't understand why there isn't a bleacher block the same as regular chair blocks either. The decisions surrounding the creator are just so baffling to me