Not receiving any push notifications
I have all push notifications turned on for 25, but I don't get a notification at all about anything. All completed orders aren't posted to the My Notifications section nor do I receive a push notification on my phone that an order was completed.
Any fixes?
I had that happen last year and when I sent in a ticket to SDS they basically told me that it was on my end and to uninstall and reinstall the app which worked for 1 day then magically it started work the next week
I've had the same issue of no longer getting notifications on my phone and turned in a bug report. I never had this issue with previous versions of the app.
I'm also not getting notifications on my dashboard page when checking the page from work but using the same browser at home (same settings), I get notifications showing up on my dashboard page. Just lots of weird little things with both the webpages and app this year.