Getting the third 1st inning boss
I feel like I should know this, but is there a way to get the third boss without buying it? (Prior to the end of the year when they’ll re-release all bosses)
If not, is it worth buying it for the 30000 extra XP to start the 2nd inning? My heart says probably not, as 30000 XP pretty much gets you nothing important to start the inning.
I’ve managed to finish the 480000 for the 1st inning (I was on spring break this week… also my wife is not happy…
), and I don’t anticipate as much time for the next inning program, so maybe there is value?
Anyway, thoughts?
Get 2,have to buy the 3rd.
It's only worth getting the 3 bosses if you plan on grinding like crazy in the 2nd inning to be one of the first ones to sell the 2nd inning boss pack.
Unless you're trying to sell that first pack for profit it's a waste imo
If this inning is any indication of how they plan to do the whole year, 30K xp is nothing. They're obviously gonna give us more than enough xp through the month to get everything done. I think the option is more or less for the people who say they dont have enough time to play the game.
Only Purpose for the Head Start (outside of being a completionist that wants all 3) is to get to the first pack faster and sell it for more. Just like the old inning set up. I feel like 75% of gained XP this year is purely from Program rewards and less from Gameplay so obtaining both boss packs without playing a trillion games is easy to do
@JDHalfrack_PSN Just take the two you want now. I wouldn't worry about paying for the third one because at some point later this year, they will have a program that let's you get the 3rd one most likely. Don't waste stubs unless you really want all three boss cards now. Not worth it.