For Developer Attention: App Bugs!
The companion app has some bugs I’ve encountered that need to be addressed:
Sometimes the app will say the user needs to complete a tutorial before using the app, even though the user has completed the in-game tutorial.
When viewing the Completed Orders menu, when the user scrolls down far enough on the list and taps on a player’s name to view them, it will go to a blank screen, with no way for the user to back out. Refreshing the app fixes it, only for it to reoccur. This one is driving me crazy.
Sometimes the card images will get mixed up. The image for one player card will move down to the card below it in the list. For example, if I have Justin Verlander, Bryce Harper, and Sixto Sanchez in my watched cards, Sixto will end up with Bryce’s picture, and so forth. Makes it confusing.
Some players that I know for a fact I put in my watch list will disappear, even though they are still marked to be in my watch list. Frustrating. Refreshing the app only causes other players to go missing.
Anyone else got bugs on this year’s app?
The tutorial thing actually isn't a bug. I did it and now I can use it
@AllRise99_NSW said in For Developer Attention: App Bugs!:
The tutorial thing actually isn't a bug. I did it and now I can use it
I had it show up for me earlier today after I’d already played the game. So for me it’s a bug.