Prestige XP Reward Path
I cant fathom how someone would even be gold let alone diamond yet. I've been playing 3 or 4 hours a day and I'm about to hit silver
I dont play much at all this year and I am silver lvl16. I guarantee at least half the people on these forums play more than me. Its all about doing collections and all the other things that get you quick an easy XP. Someone that spends money on the game and plays a lot could easily be 99 diamond by now.
@maskedgrappler said in Prestige XP Reward Path:
I cant fathom how someone would even be gold let alone diamond yet. I've been playing 3 or 4 hours a day and I'm about to hit silver
I work 8-5 everyday. No wife no kids, and all I do is play this game from the time I get home from work until I go to bed. I'm Gold 30. It is pretty easy for someone with no Job/Kids/Wife/School to be diamond level already. The guy that is diamond 100 most definitely went out of his way to specifically get XP but it is definitely more than possible
@DriveByTrucker17 said in Prestige XP Reward Path:
@vagimon said in Prestige XP Reward Path:
Springer had power at 124. I thought the max was 120. These are strange times indeed.
The cap is 125
You’re right. Thanks.