Is anyone else freezing in regular DD games? I’m in the playoffs of my mini-seasons, hit a home run, run gets scored and now my players are just standing at the plate and staring at me. This is not the first freeze i’ve had, and it’s really getting annoying having to continuously quit out of games, has anyone else had this issue?
I haven't froze in game yet. Buy I've froze multiple times in the menus.
Keep freezing at pitcher selection. Cannot even play and about to refund.
Yes... had to close out 6 or 7 times since launch.
@JTOD5 No, only on Manage Roster or Lineup Mode right now for '"MLB 25: The Show."' But, yes, freezes are still pretty annoying! I had many freezes in Co-op last year that I don't want to see repeated this year. Will see if SDS did any hard work and fixed anything? Time will tell.
It’s so bad… no lie I know I’m probably up to ten games I’ve lost in mini seasons because of stupid freezes after a long homerun… be up 8-0 just to lose is really irritating
I’ve had various freezes: in game mini season (I was winning and had to take a loss; menu selection; making a substitution.
I've also had the lineup screen freezing when I'm trying to switch out players
@allday9128 said in Freezing?????:
I haven't froze in game yet. Buy I've froze multiple times in the menus.
Same, no game freezes but just random menu freezing