New year same game
Once again you've suckered us. Congratulations. You didn't listen to a [censored] thing your customers wanted. You made a few minor changes to gameplay. No meaningful changes to the overall experience. No meaningful changes to stadium creator. No bullpens in the outfield. No ability to make a domed stadium. Only 2 flag options. Only one of them that makes sense. No changes (real) to franchise. You added some new uniforms. Some new legends. Good for you. No George M Steinbrenner Field for the Rays. No change to spring training stadiums. No ability to make it changes existing stadiums. Would have been nice to maybe create managers/coaches. No realignment or expansion.
But, we keep falling for it. So, good for us.
That’s obviously a you problem.
Guess so
If you got suckered then that is on you.
Never assume that anything they don't talk about will be improved just because it is a new year
Sucks to be you.
@ralph13m I know, right! Every year they keep producing a baseball game. You would think one of these years they would change up MLB the Show to something football (American or soccer) or basketball, or even hockey. Oh, well. I guess I'm stuck playing baseball again this year.
New year same game...? That's the exact reason I buy it every year.
You know what would be really cool? If they had these players playing a different sport like football in baseball stadiums.. I mean you want a different game right?!
There are 2 football games and a soccer game out there, buy one and play it.