Cannot download custom stadium.
Same XSX
I'm hoping that maybe it's a sign that this is happening and on the actual legit release day later next week this mode gets what we are asking for. Basically holding back the ability to download or upload anything until it's properly coded for new designs. It's a shot in the dark...but fingers crossed.
@JoeSelser_PSN said in Cannot download custom stadium.:
I'm hoping that maybe it's a sign that this is happening and on the actual legit release day later next week this mode gets what we are asking for. Basically holding back the ability to download or upload anything until it's properly coded for new designs. It's a shot in the dark...but fingers crossed.
God I hope you’re right, my friend.
Part of the effort to kill customer interest in custom stadiums. They have pretty much destroyed the interest in the lion's share of the people who used SC to create custom stadiums. My interest has completely gone now.
Just another observation; instead of increasing the overall memory, it now appears that they have increased the amount of memory each prop takes up
Looks like some of the parks changed. That really small field they had in the past doesn't appear to be in the game anymore. I went to build a new ballpark and they had several new templates and that small park isn't there anymore.
I had to try to upload my new ballpark several times before it was successful.
Tried out my new ballpark in a vs CPU game and it quit out with an error with 1 out in the bottom of the first.
@Sarge1387_PSN said in Cannot download custom stadium.:
Just another observation; instead of increasing the overall memory, it now appears that they have increased the amount of memory each prop takes up
Seems like SDS is sending us stadium designers a message. Here's a hint what it is -- it features three fingers, one up and two down! You can guess which of the three fingers are being used!
I'm guessing that they don't want us with easy access to play in the small parks so we're not crushing out programs before the regular release so we're not to far ahead, I bet after regular release it will be fixed.
Another observation: the outfield window bug has returned..again. They literally fixed this last year for crying out loud. For those unfamiliar, this is the bug where when the wall is in a perfectly straight line with no hinges whatsoever for whatever reason it will not let you place windows cleanly side-by-side. It forces you to skip a panel. Unbelieveable
Yep this is the same issues as last year regardless if you just built a new stadium or trying to pull and old one it reverts back to a template build same issue as last year on release day, same show same result