SDS not buying new game - NO CO-OP clubhouse
This isn't an airport, no need to announce your departure
@aaronjw76_MLBTS you don’t announce your departure as a traveler at an airport lol
that didn’t even make any sense at all and you prolly aren’t even a good player at MLB
@aaronjw76_MLBTS also you live a sad life if you feel the need to comment on my post and not contribute to it at all hahahahaha feel bad for you
@borderpatrollin_XBL said in SDS not buying new game - NO CO-OP clubhouse:
@aaronjw76_MLBTS you don’t announce your departure as a traveler at an airport lol
that didn’t even make any sense at all and you prolly aren’t even a good player at MLB
I'm not nor do I even give two sh!ts. I play coop to chill and have fun with my buddy in Chicago.
I will agree with you that an energy system for pitchers would be nice, just not sure how that would work to program in.
@aaronjw76_MLBTS a clubhouse as already stated….. just like ranked is……. A full DD team…. Like any other major sports game….
@borderpatrollin_XBL said in SDS not buying new game - NO CO-OP clubhouse:
@aaronjw76_MLBTS a clubhouse as already stated….. just like ranked is……. A full DD team…. Like any other major sports game….
Nah, I'm good with the variety that comes from the gold players. Sometimes we do well with these players because people underestimate pitching to these cards.
@aaronjw76_MLBTS spoken like a true NOOB
@borderpatrollin_XBL said in SDS not buying new game - NO CO-OP clubhouse:
@aaronjw76_MLBTS spoken like a true NOOB
Do you sit to pee?
@aaronjw76_MLBTS sometimes yes
co-op cluubhouse? wtf is that?
Well … bye!
When I go to play ranked I want my full squad. Co-op is playing for the same rewards, cards titles, emblems, everything. Why would the rules be any different? Just kinda sucks. All they did was add pxp tracking for this year? Overall the multiplayer seems like a big L this year.
@Easy_Duhz_It__PSN you don’t play sports games outside of MLB do you… lol a clubhouse is standard in every other sports game
@SaveFarris_PSN get a life if you feel the need to comment that lol
@borderpatrollin_XBL said in SDS not buying new game - NO CO-OP clubhouse:
@Easy_Duhz_It__PSN you don’t play sports games outside of MLB do you… lol a clubhouse is standard in every other sports game
Ok? That still doesnt explain what it is. I played Madden and NBA 2K until 2020...i dont ever remember seeing a co-op clubhouse.
@Joeflakes_XBL The problem with a full squad in coop is waiting 10 minutes for your opponents to set up their team. It’s bad enough already.
Wouldn’t it be the same as regular? They’d all go to their position just have to change them if you want their secondaries that should take 1 min. Or they could put a time limit on it.
@Joeflakes_XBL How are you going to pre set up a full squad when you are playing with different people?
Either how it is now where they auto go into position, then you change a couple people. Or a clubhouse with friends where you have a preset squad.
@Joeflakes_XBL I guess they could have you set all that up before finding a match.