Multiplayer Program Huge L!?
@IrishFist412_MLBTS sure, you may get the reward after it is totally unplayable and behind the power creep. No reason not to put the ranked and br cards in drop 3 other than gatekeeping.
I stopped reading after like 15 comments. I just got home from a double, too busy to check on my phone or even attempt watch the stream. first I've seen or heard or even thought on what online will/has become.
First thought, fugh. fugh fahk. but..There will be plenty of content and I bet they change things. tona different rewards system down the line here. Other things will be important. The pxp grind and all the other programs they run. there will be reason to play online, even if its just pxp at first. I'm still pumped.
@GoozeFn_PSN my thoughts exactly on events I don't see a reason for playing events jn 25 because they're are no event rewards outside the win streak I think they just lumped "event reward" cards into the multi-player program with the 2 new legend cards
@ChAoTiC_Engineer_PSN They could fix it pretty easily by simply giving program progress for each event win.
@GradektheBard_PSN said in Multiplayer Program Huge L!?:
@IrishFist412_MLBTS sure, you may get the reward after it is totally unplayable and behind the power creep. No reason not to put the ranked and br cards in drop 3 other than gatekeeping.
If you arent good enough to go 10-0 I highly doubt the extra month of slow power creep is going to make those cards unplayable for you. Skill is by an enormously large margin more important than an 89 vs a 87
@GoozeFn_PSN that’s what I’m saying !!!
As it currently stands, you’re better off losing an event game 7-5 but farming stats for the program instead of winning a game 2-0 but you don’t get as many hits / runs for the program missions.
HOW IN THE WORLD DOES that make any sense !? Winning is irrelevant in events unless for go 9-1 or whatever and you get a low diamond live series. Even that reward is only
Gonna have decent value the first month or so. -
@IrishFist412_MLBTS said in Multiplayer Program Huge L!?:
I’m totally cool with this new setup. I have always done my grinding offline and played RS when I’m caught up grinding. One mode I have never played is BR because to me that’s not enjoyable. But now that I can get those rewards as well without playing BR, I’m thrilled! Gonna be a great year boys!!!
Nice way to look at it. You can get the BR rewards without playing BR (only for 1 hit
So I have been stewing on this since watching the livestream yesterday. My initial reaction was they absolutely gutted Events and that nobody would be playing it after the first month. Now I’m looking at BR, with an entry fee, for the average player no point to play, and Events just being a stat grind that MANY people will play. RS is by far the best mode to play now hands down. As it sits, with how they molded the Multiplayer program into one, marketing it as a “play the way you want to” with it basically being a stat grind, I don’t see the incentive for folks to play BR. This would have been the year to make it free entry, like they did in 2023 which I didn’t like, since the only mode specific reward is the 10-0. Limiting progression through Drops is a mistake as well, at least how they are doing it now.
So, some suggestions/fixes that may be possible to course correct that doesn’t have to recode the game.
You can utilize stat/win drops as a way to allow players to play how they want and that would be fine. For people that only want to play a one or two modes, allow that. Each drop can gatekeep progression by using a single mode. At the very start, make it so you can make it through the entire Multiplayer reward path, but wickets have to be completed in each mode of RS, BR, and Events. That will ensure people are playing all 3 modes because they are all relevant. At the same time, people don’t have to because as the drops come, that single mode will be able to complete the Multiplayer program. This allows for players to play the way they want.
I would tie progression to wins in BR and Events, and WS for ranked. An example of if you can hit 25 wins in BR, 25 wins in Events, and make WS, along with a stat grind you should be able to complete the Multiplayer program from one drop. If only enjoy/play one mode each drop would then allow you to progress through via that specific mode’s drop stat.
I think this would drive up engagement in each mode, making every mode relevant, but also still accomplishes the “play how you want to” design.
The more I think about it, it's probably intentional, as to make right, as to appease. All in the marketing strategy, gotta have something to talk about, fix it, make everything better, much hype.
@creeder21_MLBTS Your ideas are solid, but also a bit too complex to be realistic. I suggest / hope they'll reveal one of these easier fixes today, or sometime in the game cycle:
- Have multiplayer wins grant program stars for the inning programs (all that info to be dropped today....)
- They used to have this in either '20 or '21. Each inning you got rewarded for your first 10 MP wins.
- Buff the event streak rewards. Right now its LS silvers and golds and I think 10-0 gets you an 85 diamond? BUFF those now and gradually increase them in the future.
- Add stubs and XP per the streak wins.
- THE MOST OBVIOUS - Add multiplayer program stars for 5 MP wins per "chunk" they give us. That way you can't "win" your way through the program, but at least give us some incentive to complete games and win instead of stat farming.
I don’t think it’s too complex to add wins in each mode to progress through the multiplayer program. Wouldn’t it be harder for them to Buff event rewards at this point and to add XP and stubs to win streaks in BR and Events? My thought is something that can realistically be done to create engagement in each mode, which is what my intended goal is.
I agree - I think the Multiplayer Program is a good addition as it allows people to progress towards something regardless of the mode they play.
But I do think we need some additional incentive for each mode, even if its just a card that unlocks at a certain number of wins in a particular mode. Doesn't need to be a full program, but that one thing to work towards makes it feel a little more worthwhile.
@creeder21_MLBTS I should've clarified, its not that its too complex, its too "opposite" of what they said they're going for: consolidating / playing how "you" want. Adding mode specific things is the opposite of their mission.
Buffing the existing event streaks should be simple but they've remained the same for 5+ years so I know they won't do it.
Either way, we're on the same team here. Hopefully they reveal something. My idea about MP wins giving inning XP progress is my best hope since its something they've done before.
I see what you are saying, but I still think what I am purposing IS that, because at the end of the day, you will be able to complete everything in the MP program playing exactly how you want to, just not as fast as someone who wants to engage in each mode. Each mode has to have some sort of relevance, especially BR. The folks that are 2-3 or 4-5 win players have absolutely zero reason to spend stubs on a mode where they get a pack, a silver, and possibly a gold.So now you are probably just going to see the best of the best in BR with every game being an absolute sweat fest and everyone else stat farming in Events to get the cards they want to make a ranked season run to whatever point they are shooting for, while protecting their record.
I’m with you fully on things have to change or it isn’t going to be good. Whatever they do, it has to be SOMETHING and it doesn’t have to be my idea, but it can’t stay this way IMHO.
@creeder21_MLBTS Agreed! BR takes the biggest hit because it'll have a diminished player base, making it a higher % of goons playing each other and knocking off their chances of making 10-0.
I could easily see future BR cards costing 500K+ for weeks, since the % of ppl making flawaless should drop significantly. Low supply of those rewards until they release them 1.5 months later in the rewind packs....
Those BR cards are going to be crazy expensive for AWHILE and I have zero issue with that. In fact, I like that cards are going to have value like that and we will see real lineup diversity.
I would bet that BR engagement goes down SIGNIFICANTLY and those whose favorite mode is BR probably aren’t going to enjoy it as much. That is if there is no course correction incentivizing engagement in each of the modes.
@creeder21_MLBTS said in Multiplayer Program Huge L!?:
I don’t think it’s too complex to add wins in each mode to progress through the multiplayer program. Wouldn’t it be harder for them to Buff event rewards at this point and to add XP and stubs to win streaks in BR and Events? My thought is something that can realistically be done to create engagement in each mode, which is what my intended goal is.
I still stand by it: Wins as a stat is one of the reasons we have this quitting problem. The program right now is step 1. I will try it out and see how I feel, after I did it