PS5 technical question about The Show
So I have a PS5 with my profile as the main one for the household. I downloaded ‘25. My son wants to start playing. I don’t want him touching my DD as it’s the last fun thing I have as an adult (sad but true lol). He has a secondary profile he can use for himself. BUT, we’d have to share the console. Deal breaker.
So, if I buy another PS5, can I load my profile on that as well along with his, and I can play on mine upstairs while he plays on his profile downstairs? Or do I have to have to do it another way?
Or, he does have an Xbox. I could buy the game for that and he’d have his own setup. But we also wouldn’t be able to share other games from the PS5.
Anyone have any suggestions?
Yea bro I'm in a similar situation, but not specifically with mlb the show, add another kid. I wish it was just, pop in a game and play like Tommy Lasorda sports talk baseball for Sega. I'm really of no help, but wish you the best.
If my kid wanted to play the show, I would definitely have to buy him a separate game on a separate account on a different system, because there's no way I'd risk not being able to play the game the way I like to. I've tried with little success to share accounts with my boys, it usually ends up not working and me just being frustrated trying to get accounts linked up and verifying with emails intertwined and separate. passwords and security.
The plus about getting a 2nd PS5 is that you won't need another copy of the game. After you put your profile on it, you'll be able to download it onto that console (assuming you have a digital version), and he'll have access to it on his profile (it won't interfere with your game; it will be like a second copy). In addition, you guys can play each other in friendly games.
The plus about the XBox is that it's cheaper to buy a copy of the game for the console you already have than getting a second console. Plus, if you buy the DD version for the XBox, he'll get all the goodies that come with it.
All you have to do is create another user on your ps5. I’ve made a second user on mine, then booted up mlb and it doesn’t touch your other users stuff. No need to buy a ps5
Also idk if it matters or not but if the second user isn’t able to play the game then go into family management in settings and go to something like console restrictions/parental controls. Then add the second user as a child account or whatever it says but it’ll work
.”I've tried with little success to share accounts with my boys, it usually ends up not working and me just being frustrated trying to get accounts linked up and verifying with emails intertwined and separate. passwords and security.”
Oh man I feel your pain there. My kids have Xbox, Switch, tablet, and VR accounts, passwords, parental controls - I have no idea anymore what we have active or how to access anything. I’m just going to tell them to use my old Nintendo, blow on the cartridge, plug and play. Then go outside and play in the street like I used to do!
@LookatTheRhino_PSN said in PS5 technical question about The Show:
All you have to do is create another user on your ps5. I’ve made a second user on mine, then booted up mlb and it doesn’t touch your other users stuff. No need to buy a ps5
Issue is we have the same schedule and both want to play - meaning one of us is out.
@bostondirtdog21_PSN we need to figure out the solution to this nonsense and charge a monthly subscription fee for the updated knowledge.
@bostondirtdog21_PSN said in PS5 technical question about The Show:
So I have a PS5 with my profile as the main one for the household. I downloaded ‘25. My son wants to start playing. I don’t want him touching my DD as it’s the last fun thing I have as an adult (sad but true lol). He has a secondary profile he can use for himself. BUT, we’d have to share the console. Deal breaker.
So, if I buy another PS5, can I load my profile on that as well along with his, and I can play on mine upstairs while he plays on his profile downstairs? Or do I have to have to do it another way?
Or, he does have an Xbox. I could buy the game for that and he’d have his own setup. But we also wouldn’t be able to share other games from the PS5.
Anyone have any suggestions?
Yes, have both yours and his profile on the one he ll be using and make sure under your profile to select the option to share game on the console. Me and my brother do this on our PS5s
Perfect. I think I’m going to do this. Probably pick up a refurbished one to keep cost down.
Ok I’d buy another one lol I understand now
I don't know if you can both play the game, at the same time, if you only have one copy of the game.
@x-814-x-MAFIA-x_PSN said in PS5 technical question about The Show:
I don't know if you can both play the game, at the same time, if you only have one copy of the game.
You can as long as it’s on a different profile.
A couple of years ago we went to visit our son (really, our grandson…but…well…). He didn’t buy The Show that year, so I logged into my profile on his console, downloaded the game, and played during some downtime. After we got back home, he had a little time on his hands (he was working on his doctorate, so time was precious) and we played a friendly.