@Teak2112_MLBTS said in XP CAP:
@Easy_Duhz_It__PSN said in XP CAP:
For THOSE people, getting through a good chunk of TA over a weekend isn't possible (WITHOUT AN XP CAP INCREASE). Understand now?
People that impose arbitrary restrictions on themselves should NEVER be considered part of the conversation.
I know this may come as a shock to you, but your opinion on other players is quite irrelevant. If SAN DIEGO STUDIOS wants people to play their game and grind TA all weekend, THEY have to face the reality that SOME PEOPLE will not play their game if they aren't earning XP. In order to address that, THEY should be considering a cap increase.
And again, i shouldn't have to do this but i will to avoid you reading [censored] into my post that's not really there, I am in no way advocating for or against an xp cap increase. This is a topic that's been brought up here and in stream chats for years and its something that SDS should be addressing.
@Easy_Duhz_It__PSN said in XP CAP:
@Teak2112_MLBTS said in XP CAP:
@Easy_Duhz_It__PSN said in XP CAP:
For THOSE people, getting through a good chunk of TA over a weekend isn't possible (WITHOUT AN XP CAP INCREASE). Understand now?
People that impose arbitrary restrictions on themselves should NEVER be considered part of the conversation.
I know this may come as a shock to you, but your opinion on other players is quite irrelevant. If SAN DIEGO STUDIOS wants people to play their game and grind TA all weekend, THEY have to face the reality that SOME PEOPLE will not play their game if they aren't earning XP. In order to address that, THEY should be considering a cap increase.
And again, i shouldn't have to do this but i will to avoid you reading [censored] into my post that's not really there, I am in no way advocating for or against an xp cap increase. This is a topic that's been brought up here and in stream chats for years and its something that SDS should be addressing.
How are you not advocating for a cap increase when you created a thread about it, then filled it with disinformation about TA being somehow related.
You are a disingenuous piece of [censored] and I dont care if SDS bans me for saying so, people like you impede honest discussion aimed towards making the game better.
XP - What you accrue during gameplay that helps you advance along the XP Path and thru the TA Path.
PXP- What you accrue during gameplay that allows you to parallel a card.
What @Easy_Duhz_It__PSN is stating is that if you play one game vs the cpu, at say Costco Park, and you accrue all the stats (HRs, doubles, PAs, etc( during that game not only will you get PXP towards your player and TA points towards that team's TA; you'll also accrue XP for getting those states. All those stats obtained, say in one game, could accrue you 15K in XP.
If the XP Cap is at 30K; then it will take you two games to hit the CAP.
You can still get TA progress and PXP towards any cards being used. But you WILL NOT get any more XP, unless it's tied to completing a Program, towards the XP Path until the CAP resets the next day.
So technically, once you play two games (at say Costco) you could hit the cap within 2 hours of gameplay.
Thus why they need to increase it or get rid of it.
If anything in TA or the XP Path isn't sellable; there's no reason for an XP Cap. Especially with the Power Creep back.
@x-814-x-MAFIA-x_PSN said in XP CAP:
XP - What you accrue during gameplay that helps you advance along the XP Path and thru the TA Path.
PXP- What you accrue during gameplay that allows you to parallel a card.
What @Easy_Duhz_It__PSN is stating is that if you play one game vs the cpu, at say Costco Park, and you accrue all the stats (HRs, doubles, PAs, etc( during that game not only will you get PXP towards your player and TA points towards that team's TA; you'll also accrue XP for getting those states. All those stats obtained, say in one game, could accrue you 15K in XP.
If the XP Cap is at 30K; then it will take you two games to hit the CAP.
You can still get TA progress and PXP towards any cards being used. But you WILL NOT get any more XP, unless it's tied to completing a Program, towards the XP Path until the CAP resets the next day.
So technically, once you play two games (at say Costco) you could hit the cap within 2 hours of gameplay.
Thus why they need to increase it or get rid of it.
If anything in TA or the XP Path isn't sellable; there's no reason for an XP Cap. Especially with the Power Creep back.
Exactly. This clown Teak is a moron. who clearly cant comprehend a single thing i've said in this thread.
@Easy_Duhz_It__PSN said in XP CAP:
It wouldnt be possible to knock out a few without a cap increase.
Its insane that is discussion reached this level, but this is the statement that is getting people hung up.
You could earn zero season/inning XP and still complete every TA program. So saying that it wouldn't be possible can be inferred that they are somehow related, even if that wasn't how you intended it.
As many of said, they're largely unrelated, besides your point of emphasizing only playing when earning XP.
People gotta get arguing and name calling each other on the internet... It's not that important
Both of you just like playing a game. Shake hands and go in other directions
You are both right.
You can continue earning ta progress after you hit the xp cap(whatever that is gonna look like)
and yes even knowing that fact there are ppl(maybe a lot of them?) who will stop playing after hitting the xp cap. -
The xp cap makes zero sense without sellable rewards in the inning program. If it is back this year it’s because SDS are clueless.
@WallyJoyner_MLBTS said in XP CAP:
@Easy_Duhz_It__PSN said in XP CAP:
It wouldnt be possible to knock out a few without a cap increase.
Its insane that is discussion reached this level, but this is the statement that is getting people hung up.
You could earn zero season/inning XP and still complete every TA program. So saying that it wouldn't be possible can be inferred that they are somehow related, even if that wasn't how you intended it.
As many of said, they're largely unrelated, besides your point of emphasizing only playing when earning XP.
Yeah i get it. And i clarified multiple times what i was referring to. Either way, [censored] this kid Teak. You can lead an idiot to the library but you cant make him read.
Hey folks,
Let's try to keep things civil here, please. Spirited debate is great, but name calling and personal attacks cross the line. Cool? Thanks.