Servers down?
Is there a part of the website that allows you to check servers?
Anyone else having this issue, just contacted SDS
It's just getting everyone prepared to go down on release day >:-) lol
@ThaGhettoBlasta_PSN fax, this is just to get everyone to a low bar for a very low barred game
Down here too
Also having issues, thought it was my connection but it’s not.
Yes, my Wi-Fi is perfect
Confirmed down
I just got the game. Can anyone tell me for about how long the servers will be down down? Just a guess, maybe an average.
Also is there a website where you can see the servers status? Or is this forum the best way to get updated?
Yeah I was in the middle of a game and it said Connection lost and said no internet connection .. my other games and apps work just fine it’s just MLB 24