Stadium Creator showcase?
PLEASE add all or most of the stuff the community has been asking for and imo the ones I want most are the ability to move bullpens, custom foul sizes, scoreboards and jumbotrons IN the walls, ads in walls, lines on the top of walls, and customize how many rows you can have in the stands for any type of stands from press box stands to the ground level stands
C'mon SDS...someone- anyone give us an update here.
I've got no clue why they REFUSE to even acknowledge the requests from the people that use the mode...It's been 5 years now having creator with zero updates to it except for kaiju monster props that precisely nobody asked for.
@SDS_JoeK_PSN can we get an update please?
bumpity bump bump
Bumpity bump bump
Bump Bump bumpity bump bumpy bumpy bumpy bumpy bumpy bumpy bumpy bumpy bumpy bumpy bumpy bumpy bumpy bumpy bumpy bumpy bumpy
SDS, what kind of customer feedback do you prefer and consequently will read and heed? Shall it be the sort of measured, reasonable, and professionally worded feedback the stadium creators have provided you for Stadium Creator? Or, do you prefer the whinny sort of petulant, me-first, type of feedback we all have persistently seen for desires for Diamond Dynasty?
I would hope the fact-filled feedback and requests we have provided you would mean a bit more. However, after four straight years of dozens of consistently expressed desires gone with but one single satisfaction, it causes reasonable people to truly wonder.
Yet another bump comment.
I don't understand why they bothered creating this section of the forum if they're never going to look at it or even acknowledge the requests for betting this particular mode. Yes, admittedly it's a bit of a niche thing...but there's three absolutely BASIC things people have been asking for since Day 1 of the first iteration of the Creator: Moveable bullpens (seriously, everything else is moveable this truly ISN'T hard), adjustable foul ground (again, this ability already exists with outfield fences...not hard to implement), and better fitting/trimming for the stands along the walls. It's honestly not that much of an ask, nor that difficult...especially because the coding already exists within the creator (ground auto trims seats, we can manipulate outfield fences)
I wish there was a way to tag the entire SDS content team with this stuff.
@Sarge1387_PSN said in Stadium Creator showcase?:
I don't understand why they bothered creating this section of the forum if they're never going to look at it or even acknowledge the requests for betting this particular mode.
To be fair they don't really acknowledge requests in any section of the forum.
They barely acknowledge the forum at all.
@Dolenz64_XBL said in Stadium Creator showcase?:
They barely acknowledge the forum at all.
Also painfully true