Overhauled RTTS, Please!?!?!?!?
Road to the Show has gotten so stale, predictable and mind numbingly boring it's almost unplayable anymore.
Please for the love of this game, redo the mode so it features a ton more immersion and brings you into the game. Start out by playing your Senior Year in High School as a kid to watch from Baseball America. Based on your season earn a ticket to the Bowman Showcase or agree to college ball where you play thru a series of mini games to become a better prospect. Make the draft process more intense, show us getting passed over a time or two from where our agent thought we might go - added layers of immersion make it worth all the more. Bring in more Video Clips from MLB Network personalities discussing you as a player and your various accomplishments (back to those mini games and senior season) Give us a set of mini games on top of the Bowman showcase during draft prep to fine tune and tweak.
And why is it we start in AA? Seriously, that doesn't happen near often enough to be an actual starting point. You go thru A Ball if not Rookie Ball in most cases. If you don't want to commit to that presence roster wise give us another round of developmental mini games with grades to earn our promotion.
Give us more cut scenes where we interact with our team mates and coaches. Let there be a feature / option where you can go directly to the Managers office or call your agent on the fly because of something that happened or something you want to try and make happen. Give us a write up from MLBTradeRumors when we ask for a trade if we are a prospect or a player of a certain ranking that paints us as someone who isnt happy in their current situation more to follow type stuff. Present us in that moment teams we are linked to. Offer us the opportunity to discuss team / player options in our contract negotiations and let us set a list of teams we would allow a trade to and ones we won't.
Bring back personality traits, but allow those to actually develop quirks that further define our player.
Once in the minors, can we discuss the logic and AI of our teammates on the field. Far to often a challenge is presented and taken off the table due to their inability to get their end of the job done.
Lineup Discussions - Skip comes to see you because of your track record against a team or a certain pitcher and says were moving you in the lineup or starting you or benching you because this a couple of times a season would be a nice breath of fresh air. Or to prevent it from happening, complete a training mini game the coach throws at you that helps to sharpen you for that match up.
Immersion, Immersion, Immersion. Draw us in, Take us deeper into the experience. Give us more to do, more to watch. More to build on, Be more involved in the creation of your players arc beyond the stats.
Way too much to put in the game engine, they only have so much space and as of now DD is more important because that's what the majority of people are playing
If it's really because of space and engine then how is it NBA2k year in and year out presents a far more immersive product for their My Career and My GM players all the while still catering to the MyTeam crowd which is their version of DD. I'm not buying the engine excuse or space argument. 2k runs circles on player experience, SDS simply chooses to be Lazy anymore.
It's not like what is presented above is an all or nothing, it could even be implemented over time or thru patched updates etc. So much of it is already there in some forms, it's just grossly under utilized or poorly implemented.
@PBA024156_PSN I’d buy this game on its own
@SJR15ITFC_PSN - It could be a stand alone, Id want even more meat on the bones if it were to go that route though because I'm greedy.
I agree. I'd rather have this than the story-teller stuff.
@PBA024156_PSN I totally agree with all of this!!! Far too often, the AI screws me out of A LOT of wins!!!! Like I could be ahead by 5 or more runs and then my pitching implodes and gives up 6 or more runs!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sometimes they take it a little too far and score 10 or more runs over me!!!!!!!!!