Enough we want deeper in the count at bats!
Patience, patience, patience everyone says to the max definition to hit anything solid. But what I'm noticing in the higher tier levels such as HOF or LEG is that your mostly down 0-2 counts cause their "pitcher" is not losing accuracy even when getting knocked around, confidence meter is barely going down so giving a lesser chance to even make a comeback or dent in your opponent's defense. Next year we need to change this asap, and confidence needs to deplete more, and pitches shouldn't be "dotted" almost every pitch. And reward more contact, god [censored] its hard to hit as it is but when I'm taking pitches directly on the black i can barely hit the [censored] ball with my PCI. Yeah, they say "get better" or "get good" fact is the pitcher is too [censored] OP on the higher difficulties that i would be [censored] lucky if i can get to a 3-2 count or force a walk.