Season 4
SDS can we plz not ignore the final season like last year content wise? I want you to work on 25 and not make the game meh like this year but can a few guys hang back this time and finish 24 with good cards for theme teams? Most theme teams have 0 pen or a decent one at best so even if the cards aren’t 99s I’ll take 97s to make theme teams fun. There are a ton of Phillies arms that I like and the Angels ended up calling up some good pitchers too that I’d like to try.
You (SDS) added all these cool captains into the game this year, I want to use them! So plz give us some theme team cards to end the year because that’s what makes the last few months fun other then using the cards we like. -
They have completely checked out on MLB 24. No more round tables, not much in changes. its all in the can to just auto add. I'm wondering if they will even do a finest for the year or not.