Can I control the quirks?
I like to make a realistic (in my eyes) but fun league to play for myself. I like to play a lot of the games so I’d like to make the games challenging for myself on Hall of Fame when I do play. Plus to help make my case, I can already edit a dudes stats, I just get stuck editing the guys with without quirks though.
Can I control what quirks that go on whoever so I can make some hitters solid even when they get older. Also if I call up a rookie topping 99 and he starts to sit it after a few games. I’d like to add outliner to that guy because he’s earned the growth in my eyes. I find that some hitters with good quirks play better even if they don’t have the best stats. I feel like this would help when a guy turns 31 that his stats don’t just drop off. This way if he’s playing well (because of the quirks) he may still grow even tho he’s older. Maybe I call up a rookie with high discipline but he’s crushing the heater, does he not earn dead red then?
Just an idea if there’s any other good ones lmk.