Lightning Carroll
Couldn't have given him 90 Arm Strength to make him useful this season?
Giving him 90 arm strength is even a stretch in this game
Carroll's arm is so weak that he could probably run the ball to the cutoff man faster than he could throw it to him.
Giving him 90 arm strength is a stretch, but Ozzie Smith and Tony Gwynn are above the power threshold on some cards...
DD ratings are absolutely whack and always have been.
@Loyal-Wiglaf Giving Tony Gwynn 70 power isn’t much of a stretch. He had double digit HR’s 5 times including a year with 17HR, 49 doubles and 2 triples. Tony wasn’t trying to hit home runs, but he absolutely had the power to.
Power rating in this game uses iso power which counts all xbh, while this benefits homer hitters the most, guys with lots of doubles and triples(like Gwynn) can have decent power numbers
@GoozeFn said in Lightning Carroll:
@PAinPA It sure doesn’t seem that way. For example, Jackson Merrill’s iso is significantly higher than a ton of players with much better power ratings. It would be nice if they were a little more transparent.
Were you the guy that tried to argue that merril was having a better year than Lindor?
He clearly deserves a higher vs right power than he has, however:
He wasnt expected to have this much power at this age so his ratings started lower
His iso is significantly higher in second half than the first half so thats taking time to move.
His contact is closer to where it should be because thats what was really expected out of himLive series never has been strictly about what a guy has done the last two months.
@Teak2112 I’ve argued that he should be a diamond, but no not specifically comparing him to Lindor. I don’t have an issue with his contact rating. His power vs right and clutch should be significantly higher. I just don’t get why they are slow playing upgrades on a star rookie while Skenes is getting a proper boost. The power numbers haven’t just been good for 2 months either. June, August and September have been outstanding and July was better than his first 2 months.
@GoozeFn said in Lightning Carroll:
@Teak2112 I’ve argued that he should be a diamond, but no not specifically comparing him to Lindor. I don’t have an issue with his contact rating. His power vs right and clutch should be significantly higher. I just don’t get why they are slow playing upgrades on a star rookie while Skenes is getting a proper boost. The power numbers haven’t just been good for 2 months either. June, August and September have been outstanding and July was better than his first 2 months.
Im looking at the 1st half total, which is likely what SDS would do as well
Skenes was expected to be diamond caliber from day 1, and hes been even better than expected. Hes realistically a 90+ pitcher thats still only an 87. So hes just as undervalued as jackson is.
Skenes isnt the right guy to compare. Hes the best pitcher in baseball right now. As a rookie.
@Teak2112 They do updates every few weeks. Not sure why the first half should matter as much as you are suggesting. It’s not a 1 for 1 comparison with Skenes. Skenes has clearly been better and I agree that he should move up to ~90 in the next update. I just think they’ve been more fair with Skenes than Merrill. Merrill should at least be an 85.
@Loyal-Wiglaf SDS has gone really overboard with their rankings. It really started in '19 IIRC. They wanted to pump out more content but there just aren't enough high end cards to make it feasible,
The solution, give out cards with completely unrealistic attribute rankings and give em' a fancy name like the "Kaiju" series or whatever that ridiculousness was last year.
It has made the game even more of a HR derby than it used to be.
I've played very little RS this year for many reasons, with that specifically being one of them.
I played a game earlier where my opponent and I scored 26 runs combined. I'd wager 23 were the result of HRs.
HRs are great and all, but I'd like my baseball simulation game to actually play a bit closer to an actual simulation -
Like the dodgers game tonight where they scored 20? or that game a few years ago(Red Sox I think) where they got 30 or close to it,which was almost the record?
Baseball is cyclical,at the end of the last decade pitching was dominant,upper 90s to over 100 - few could hit it and the video games reflected that, hitters have caught up and can hit high velo now, hitting is dominant and the video games reflect that.(rule changes also helped)
soon pitchers will figure out something new and be dominant again. It goes in cycles. -