SDS Please fix these things
Kole Calhoun glitch face
Mini seasons automatic replay ( get rid of it)
Mini seasons Cairo batters eye ( it's the only stadium I play on rookie)
Give us more rewards for playing vs cpu on legend.
Make the cpu bullpen pitchers lose energy for the next game ( I understand why starters are full energy)
That's all for now -
I'd like them to fix, in mini season, where you have to change the month and time of the game. Let us keep it set to our preferences.
I've been crapped on before for suggesting xp boosts for higher difficulties in other modes but no need to do that here. I agree with that pretty strongly. I don't do mini seasons but they've ignored the offline modes pretty heavily from what I've heard.
Also the stats are wrong. Had player with 1 hr he was team leader in hr but had also player with 10 hr and he was not team leader