Switch pitcher
Is sds going to make it possible to create pitchers that can throw with both hands? Like cijntje.
I dont think they did anything for Pat Venditte when he was in the game so i doubt they will now.
@Easy_Duhz_It_ they actually made vendeitte able to pitch with both arms
I doubt it. There are just so few people who try to do this. Moreover, the MLB rules require that a switch pitcher tell the umpire prior to the start of the inning which hand he will use, and the pitcher must then continue to use that arm. So, there is no special advantage that can be gained to switch hands depending upon the handiness of the batter.
It wasn't before the inning it was after each batter he faced
I saw that they put cijntje in it. And when i looked at throwing switch is standing.
So maybe you can now create pitchers like him that can throw with both hands