Input Delay
Oh the input delays are terrible lately. I’ll be going for a flawless run or something and then play some asshat on some custom bs map and he blinds you with all green batters eye green everything. And then input delay is so bad you can’t hit or do [censored]. Then some clown gets the win. It’s a joke.
No different than the idiot knuckleballers. Game sucks. There should not be custom maps on ranked runs or BR. That’s just silly and not even fun. If it’s ranked keep the [censored] maps basic or whatever plays best. Not some green forest or space ships or whatever else causes gameplay to be so NOT smooth it’s unreal.
Wtf are yall even talking about?
Input delays. Playing on trash servers where our timing doesn’t match up with the buttons we press etc…. It’s a [censored]. My rank has fallen from 850-630 since I’ve noticed my [censored] affecting me
@RAisEdByGoAt_XBL said in Input Delay:
Oh the input delays are terrible lately. I’ll be going for a flawless run or something and then play some asshat on some custom bs map and he blinds you with all green batters eye green everything. And then input delay is so bad you can’t hit or do [censored]. Then some clown gets the win. It’s a joke.
LOL I played some dude that had two football fields in RF and LF, and the color was white.....I felt like li was going crosseyed and had to tape paper over the outer thirds of the screen to be able to functionally play
@Crimson_Monk_PSN I'm not sure about on Playstation, but I know on Xbox there is a setting where you can change the color scale to basically a black and white screen and that will help in some situations like that. It usually helps anytime that there is a batters eye where the sun because of the time of day is blinding, but still doesn't help in situations like Wrigley and Fenway when the pitcher's arm slot has him releasing the ball with the crowd being the backdrop for when the ball is released.
How do u do this ?
@RAisEdByGoAt_XBL Would also love to know
@RAisEdByGoAt_XBL just whenever you load into one of those games where someone has a batters eye that will blind you, pause the game, hit that xbox button on the middle of the controller then go to
- Settings
- Accessibility
- Color filters
- Click on correction type and choose Grayscale
This will basically give you a black and white screen. Back in 22 I think it was, if you played at laughing mountain during the day, the ball got released from the pitcher with basically just the sky as a backdrop and it was nearly impossible to pick up the ball. Using this I could see the ball perfect when people would use that stadium and time of day. It only takes like 10-15 seconds to go through the process of changing it so you'll have plenty of time on your pause timer and going to the settings on the xbox doesn't disconnect you from online play so don't worry about getting disconnected from your game when you do it. To be honest, I used to play with that setting even when playing at normal stadiums because I felt like I could see the ball better, but it did get old playing on a black and white screen every single game.
@Crimson_Monk_PSN said in Input Delay:
@RAisEdByGoAt_XBL said in Input Delay:
Oh the input delays are terrible lately. I’ll be going for a flawless run or something and then play some asshat on some custom bs map and he blinds you with all green batters eye green everything. And then input delay is so bad you can’t hit or do [censored]. Then some clown gets the win. It’s a joke.
LOL I played some dude that had two football fields in RF and LF, and the color was white.....I felt like li was going crosseyed and had to tape paper over the outer thirds of the screen to be able to functionally play
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