First creation uploaded to vault
First time creator, goal was to create a replacement for Shibe Park, located on the same footprint in Philadelphia, loaded it into the vault as Herrs Field.
Would like creative criticism, and possible tweaking. I'm reasonably satisfied with it, considering it's my first stadium, but there's a few things I'm not sure about.
Firstly, I couldn't figure out a good spot to put my concession stands. Secondly, because I used a plaza as my second deck in a three deck stadium and buried part of it, there are fans who have no view of the field that you can see, would like to block them. Have tried various things, not happy with results.
Lastly, not sure my lighting is correct, I played a night game and it looked okay to me, but would like feedback. I used the white light towers mostly as I am looking for a clean, futuristic look.
Thank you
More than happy to take a look tonight after work. Concession placing can be tough, and even when it's in the "right spot" it still looks out of place. It also depends on which concession you're using too.
Here's a few of mine to give you some examples:
They don't always need to be perfect.