Not Understanding the Complaints
So I might be in the minority here, but I don’t understand all the complaints here sometimes. I understand it’s a subjective opinion on the game but still. I’m a totally offline player because online is very toxic and I play for relaxation. I don’t care about collecting every single card or if you ain’t first you’re last mentality. After I complete all TA and other programs I challenge myself by playing with nothing but live series games on DD. Whatever team I'm playing I replicate their lineups and pitching staff and I play at their ballpark. I work on what I have issues with and try out what pitches to throw to certain batters. It’s not a high scoring affair always but it’s fun to actually be challenged. Just thought I’d share my perspective on how I see and play this game.
Here is my complaint. I, like you, have no desire to try and collect every card, shoot I don't even try and finish all the Team Affinity Programs. I simply try and collect every Cardinal that I can.
Here is the Cardinal content that they have given us in Season 2.
- 92 Paul Goldschmidt - Event reward for 10 wins. I tried this and realized that it was just easier to buy him
- 91 Tommy Edman - Code Name Pack
- 90 Nolan Gorman - Season Awards Drop pack (Rare round)
- 89 Masyn Winn - Season Awards Drop Pack
- 89 Brendan Donovan - Season Awards Drop Pack
- 89 Dylan Carlson - TA
1 card out of 6 cards actually allows me to earn it in offline/single player modes and that was a TA player that I earned the first weekend of Season 2. I have had to spend 185K to buy those 5 players.
Add to that the fact that 2 of the Cardinals most desirable legends, Lou Brock and Bob Gibson, are both collection rewards for an amount of cards that I will never reach so unless they give us other versions I may never see the best version of those two players in my lineup at all.
I still enjoy the gameplay when I play but sometimes I would like to think that I am playing to earn cards that I desire instead of playing to earn stubs to buy cards from packs.
I don't think you specified if you play online or not. Id say a ton of the complaints are from online PvP game modes.
But PvP isn't the only issue.
There are plenty of people who simply don't notice the issues or care but for many the issues are very loud and a problem if SDS wants to keep an active playerbase.
Offline or online it seems more people are playing older iterations as those were simply higher quality in just about every aspect.
Personally, content is never my complaint. I care more about game polish and mechanics. There are definitely issues with sets and seasons and that would involve a discussion about content but, to me, I'd rather have a higher quality game experience ie removal glitches, bugs, and connection issues than worry about content.
If the game was more polished I'd say remove sets and seasons since they simply do not have enough cards or variety to make it work. They thought power creep was an issue but removing people favorite 95 overall cards and make them grind for 86 overall new cards every month is pretty [censored] stupid if you ask me. Clearly the majority of the playerbase agrees.This isn't a critique of you but an open acknowledgement, just because you are fine with a product in a weaker state doesn't mean everyone else is. We paid money for this game and in many cases that is a lot of money for one to spend at a time. A rich man can just dump money and live stress free cause he can do whatever he wants he just has more money. So buying a game for $80 bucks and it being mediocre may not even come to his attention. Someone who saves that $80 and expects their investment to be similar or BETTER than the previous version will notice it's flaws and call it out. It means more to them. Many people who DON'T have complaints will never understand that are unfortunately very happy to settle with the mediocre cause "they just don't understand the complaints." SDS loves that. That's how they stay in business.
Some of the issues people have are valid....but then we have people who complain about online players getting both online and offline rewards....and then complaining again that SDS made the online portion more of a grind so the online players will spend less time offline.
My personal view is that 90% of the complaints revolve around the thought that even though Diamond Dynasty is an online competition game mode, that the ability to set up the players on your DD team should not be a competitive process, but instead more along the whims and desires of the customer.
Already in the game modes is Franchise, where the customer has a near absolute ability to define the players and player attributes for the team he made himself GM of. Franchise is not an online competition game mode. It is wholly within the console the customer owns, and results only affect the enjoyment of that individual customer.
RTTS is a game mode where the CPU is essentially in control over everything except the quality of the play of the custom created player that the customer (player) controls. But, that player could be traded, benched, demoted, promoted, and placed in the lineup however the CPU's "manager" decides.
In short, the current game setup allows a wide range of options for the customer to control the situation, from practically total control, to limited control, to a competition where outcomes are largely a result of human versus human merit.
@PriorFir4383355_XBL said in Not Understanding the Complaints:
Diamond Dynasty is an online competition game mode
That is outdated thinking. If that was the case and that is what SDS wanted from the mode then why did they add
Multiple Conquest maps
Mini Seasons
ShowdownAt some point in the past you are right, it was an online competition mode, but it has evolved beyond that narrow definition.
Totally respect your opinion and that’s why I said it was a subjective opinion on the matter. I, like everyone else paid for the game and I’m not rich by any means. I feel like I have gotten my moneys worth for what I play. I also play this with my son and I’ve experienced a lot of life after being in the military for 20 plus years. So my view on life is not taking little things so serious and thankful for the time I have left. So I’m happy and content with my current state of gameplay. Plus it won’t matter when NCAA comes out
Any of the sub-modes of DD that are versus CPU still have the very real effect of elevating the points based achievements of the DD team, which in turn qualifies that team for rewards including higher level player cards (which of course is akin to signing better players).
Therefore, one cannot logically divorce the versus CPU sub-modes of the DD mode.
Moments is not a DD game mode. It is a stand alone mode in that it doesn't use the DD team, but rather puts the player in the role of a virtual player, and whatever rewards are earned are entirely the result of the customer's sole efforts.
In sum, the only relationship that the other non-DD game modes can have on DD play is through earning stubs, which could be used to purchase player cards and thereby improve the DD team.
I've come to the conclusion that people will complain no matter what. I'm not saying that the complaints aren't valid. I'm just saying that whatever route SDS implements; it's going to 'alienate' or make one set of players complain.
I'm going to use content as an example.
Three years ago SDS had the Innings Program. Each Inning Program path had earnable cards. Some sellable and some non-sellable. This is where they had the OG Power Creep.
The 1st Inning had lower rated cards, even including Bronze and Silvers.
Each Jnning would then gradually progress until you hit the later (7th and up) which is where the high 90 Diamonds came into effect.
This was around Madden release and casuals would complain that they didn't get to play with 99s of their favorite players (Griffey, Chipper, etc) because they were playing Madden or other newer games.
Then SDS implemented Sets and Seasons. Where you got to get 99s Day 1. That ruined it because you would get multiple 99s or some players and, even though you could still use prior Season's cards, with out a WC, you still had one, and only one, WC spot to play out of season cards.
Now they're doing almost the same thing with Sets. You just can't use, and get stat/pxp progress, with a different Set card.
My opinion is that they need to go back to the Inning Program format and do the 'OG Power Creep' and if people are upset that they couldn't play with a certain 99, because the left to play another game, then that's their issue.
I just want the option to mute my opponents sound effects. Or at the very least only have them work when opponent is the home team.
@theBlindRhino_PSN said in Not Understanding the Complaints:
I just want the option to mute my opponents sound effects. Or at the very least only have them work when opponent is the home team.
@Dolenz64_XBL said in Not Understanding the Complaints:
@PriorFir4383355_XBL said in Not Understanding the Complaints:
Diamond Dynasty is an online competition game mode
That is outdated thinking. If that was the case and that is what SDS wanted from the mode then why did they add
Multiple Conquest maps
Mini Seasons
ShowdownAt some point in the past you are right, it was an online competition mode, but it has evolved beyond that narrow definition.
I will tell you why. Money
. They added those modes to bring in a new potential customer.
@Cubsfan217_XBL you mean that stuff that's needed to run a business?
@jaychvz_XBL I'm not denying or saying one way or another on that i agree its a business