New MLB Home Run Derby rules
Today, MLB announced significantly new rules for how the annual Home Run Derby will be conducted. I wonder if there is a chance that SDS will incorporate these new rules in the video game before this year's All Star Game events start?
The new rules include:
Round one will no longer feature head-to-head matchups. Instead, each hitter in round one will hit the most homers possible and the top four players will advance to round two. In the case of any ties for the fourth slot, the player who hits the longest homer in that tied group will advance.
No longer will there be just a clock, but there will also be a maximum pitch limit of 40 pitches thrown to the hitter during the regular portion of the rounds. This would include any pitches that are not swung on. So, the regular portion of the round ends when either time expires, or the hitter sees 40 pitches.
However, there will also be a bonus round, not based on time, but on a three out concept. An "out" in the derby is any pitch that is swung on that fails to result in a homer. Until the batter records three "outs" he can add to his tally an unlimited number of homers. If during this bonus round, he hits a homer of 425 or more feet, then the batter earns a fourth "out."
In rounds one and two, the clock will be three minutes. In the championship round, the clock will be two minutes. The intent of the new rules is to reduce hitter fatigue.
Wait, I'm confused. Your second paragraph starts off with there no longer being a clock. But you mention their being clock limits throughout the rest of your post.
Read again, I said there will no longer "JUST" be a clock.