Affinity Scales ALE map
man this is one aggressive map , it does not let up , it just keeps coming , it literally had Tampa come all the way over , and take out B-more , and then challenged me, i restarted it 3 times , each time just as bad , the rewards are not worth the headache
A suggestion for the maps like this, is leave at least 5 fans on your strongholds as you take them. That way teams don’t challenge your strongholds.
i do and did do that , they chewed through them like they were nothing and dropping 6-8 of theirs , and the map does not give you a chance to gain enough to do that and gain enough to reinforce , so i changed from my normal strategy and took out a phillies SH early to get to more and the other side of the map just goes off the rails , and then reinforce is like 5 , its ridiculous , ,im not playing legend for the rewards
im almost done ALE anyway , i would be done except the commentary pisses me off so bad i cant bring myself to suffer through multiple games
I didn't experience super aggressive AI on my run, but I do hate these close quarter maps where you can hardly build up enough fans to not have to play on All-Star. These are easy Conquest Maps not Extreme.
@GixxerRyder750 said in Affinity Scales ALE map:
I didn't experience super aggressive AI on my run, but I do hate these close quarter maps where you can hardly build up enough fans to not have to play on All-Star. These are easy Conquest Maps not Extreme.
True. I started the West last night, and marveled at how cramped it is. Sometimes when you get to the last 2 teams, they have so many hexagons with 13, 14, 18 and such. It's crazy, but I do CQ in MANY turns anyway, and despise turn based ones.
I attacked the Marlins(24) and Braves (27)with 99 and to play on Rookie was not an option. NBD, but thought that was weird. Never had that happen.
Did you skip a lot of attack turns to build up your armys? Cause if you do it too much you will see that happen. Either play on AS or steal to take away in order to build up. Cause I didn't see it happen, but I knew I needed to steal to build up my army's to play on Veteran.
Depending on how close the opposing strongholds are I usually burn all my fans eating up empty spots. I typically go around my main stronghold to ensure it's protected.
I also try to find bottlenecks in the map, meaning a single territory between strongholds. I will then split fans up between those territories. Not all my fans but enough to deter other teams from attacking them.
However, that will force the other strongholds to build up large amounts of fans closer to their strongholds. I wont usually wait to long before I power through to attack them.
Also, where the bottlenecks are, I will usually build up a second territory adjacent to the bottleneck. This way when I start moving through the enemy territories, I can counter attack them when the other team tries to come behind my first line.
I just realized I play this like a game of Risk.
im almost done ALE anyway , i would be done except the commentary pisses me off so bad i cant bring myself to suffer through multiple games
Yeah, I turned off broadcast commentary long ago. It's repetitive and I don't need that sort of negativity. I turn on Spotify or Pandora and let the music play in the background.
@DuboBrew wrong league and that map was a breeze
@nflman2033 ,i idnt think of steal , the added games for the rewwards offered isnt worth the effort , usually when i get a verly aggressive map i restart and it loosens up , i restarted this one 3 times and it seemed to get worse
@Rocko-Vereesh i do that too , store 5 at a bottle neck it prevents them from reclaiming , ive even parked 30 before if they are stocked like that incase you get what i call a runner , you free up a runner and they do nt stop until they are empty , so pop a brick wall of 30 and if they attack they die
the problem with this map is not only aggressive , for me at least , you cant build a base , there are not enough fans to claim to build a base , for instance , i grabbed as many free spots i could at the start , that only raised my reinforce amount to 4 , so reinforce you are starting a 4 , you start the map with 3 times that if i am rememberung correctly
so next i figure , just dash for the O's and open that up , i think it was harder than allstar , so i beat them but look at the map , it really doesnt add too many to beat to get your reinforce # up , and added bonus the other side and low center are cooking ike a pressure cooker
there are not too many maps i do not do , but it does happen
conquests? bro.. just get your fans up. you could play them all on rookie of you want
@hoo_pharted said in Affinity Scales ALE map:
@nflman2033 ,i idnt think of steal , the added games for the rewwards offered isnt worth the effort , usually when i get a verly aggressive map i restart and it loosens up , i restarted this one 3 times and it seemed to get worse
From my experience, the CPU will only be aggressive once they build up enough armies. So if you dont want extra games by stealing, you will have play on harder difficulty to take out the strong holds faster(less turns). Essentially treating it like conquest Extreme.
@BLAISEBLAISE said in Affinity Scales ALE map:
conquests? bro.. just get your fans up. you could play them all on rookie of you want
With this map you can't get fans up by taking a lot of territories, theres not as many to take. So you either steal fans or go after strongholds from a weaker position, which is AS or higher. But if you skip attacking turns to build up, the CPU will start coming for you.
I played the first couple of games on All-Star, and from there on out was able to play everything else on veteran. Because I didn't keep hitting reinforcements the map goes a lot faster because there's less to Attack
@bostondirtdog21 said in Affinity Scales ALE map:
I played the first couple of games on All-Star, and from there on out was able to play everything else on veteran. Because I didn't keep hitting reinforcements the map goes a lot faster because there's less to Attack
I find I do better on all star than veteran.
I fill up as many blank spaces as I can before I attack any stronghold, unless there’s a “goal” saying to defeat someone on the first turn. But when you surround your strongholds with spaces of your fans it’s very unlikely your stronghold will get attacked. I have to “defend” one of my own strongholds maybe once a year. I don’t even need to put more than 1 fan on my strongholds.
@DuboBrew - You need 4x the amount of fans their stronghold has. Attacking 24 with 99 should have had a Rookie option (24x4=96). But attacking the 27 would only offer Veteran and higher for difficulty.
Try your best not to let them get to 25 if you're aiming for Rookie. When they're above 25, I often have to surround their stronghold with hexagons of 10+ each. Then inevitably on the CPU's turn they will try to attack your hexagons surrounding them to lessen your numbers. But it always brings down their number too. If they attack those enough, you can eventually attack with a Rookie option when their number falls below 25. (Assuming a 99 attack)
@BLAISEBLAISE i know how to play conquest , ive been playing it since the first year it was implemented , i think i have described the issues pretty clearly that ive been having with the\is map , its a map i may just Pick at here and there , or just forget about it , the rewards are not that much , i just felt it was very strange that the other affinity maps were very doable yet they singled ALE out for a monster
if some people are not seeing the aggressiveness that i am experiencing , i have no answer , i LITERALLY play 75% conquest and 25% Mini seasons