Just realized a big problem with sets and sds in general
I never have spent a dime on any MLBTS, but I feel bad for the people that do. They quite literally spent money on cards and then can't use the cards anymore. Does anyone else think that's wrong? I could understand a yearly cycle, but to me just seems like a way to get people to continually try to buy packs throughout the year. This year especially feels like a cash grab, and they haven't addressed a single issue with gameplay in a few years now. They lied about fielder urgency, they still haven't fixed sinkers breaking when they are high, which we've asked to be fixed since Cabrera was a problem years ago now. Foul balls, that's all that needs to be said. The timing windows don't even make sense. They want you to wait until the ball is on the plate on outside offspeed for it to go oppo, but a fastball in the same location the timing window is to center instead, which makes no sense bc a pitch in a location is in that location regardless of velo. Freezoffs still happen often in co-op. All this and they ignore it all, just in attempt to cash grab. It's sad, lazy, and unacceptable. I'll say the same thing over and over until the issues are addressed.
Not impressed. Was hoping they meant the boss cards would be easier to obtain, not “easier to obtain lesser versions of” sed bosses. Definitely a deliberate mislead from SDS. And they kept the neutered per inning XP after the massive blowback it got on release…