Companion App says complete tutorial or login in console first
Another day, not working
Still not fixed
Total Garbage
Not working
Still nothing
Still not fixed for me either. Guy on email said he’d get back to me eventually but had no other fixes right now.
Still not working even after app update
@FinsUp81 what update lol
No updates
Still no fix. Everyone else at a huge advantage being able to use app. Ever since the inventory glitch. That didn’t affect me in game but now the app is broken.
Another day without access
Still not working of course
Does no one care? Weeks and weeks no help. Its the top page every day. No help, no fix. Pathetic. Sure my credit card would swipe for stubs easy peasy though.
@AllRise__99 same goes for me buddy…5 weeks and counting.
Another day without access
Well I can use mine but I know get zero notifications about my cards being sold or buy orders going through and when I look at the completed orders it says nothing sold but I look at the orders and their all gone and my stubs have gone up
Another day another no reply. Game sucks, team sucks, content sucks, pay for good players. No way to make stubs. No customer service
Pathetic that they aren't working to fix this
It would be one thing if this was a short term issue; we're into the middle of May and SDS has missed out on a fortune - how can they not care about this?
Help me please