All collections & cards are DONE!…Finished until December
@Cubsfan217 lol I can’t believe people think this is the game that will end it all. They are already offering combo ultimate editions of Madden AND NCAA together for over $250. Most people will realize 11 years was a long time ago and playing through franchise mode offline doesn’t feel like it used too. All content and updates will be for it’s UT mode and that will be that. It’ll be fun for a bit and then a money grab for 11 months.
Way too many games that are better than sports games these days.
@DeleteyourTTVBTW i know. They just don't know.
@YeahBruv412 said in All collections & cards are DONE!…Finished until December:
Just got the last of the bosses and now I’m 100% done with all cards, programs & collections…I’m never doing this again. This required complete dedication to this game - Completely abandoned all my other video games I enjoy playing. I set out to complete Season 1 and I did that. Now I will get back to playing my other games and just play casually in RS until the next season drops at which time I will not touch Season 2 rather I will just play offline & work on P5’ing both of my squads (God squad, Yankees TT) when I feel like playing The Show and will resume playing online in December when all cards are brought back into play. The current setup in DD is not healthy or good. And next year I’m just going to buy the standard edition and play regs…I am DONE with chasing carrots.
Congrats on spending
on a video game
@Jacky-Chan1 congrats on worrying about anothet man's wallet like a female.
@YeahBruv412 said in All collections & cards are DONE!…Finished until December:
@Cubsfan217 I don’t know if you’ve ever played the NCAA football games or not but the big difference between NCAA & Madden has always been their offline dynasty mode. It’s the single greatest offline mode in sports gaming history in my opinion. Madden doesn’t have any good offline modes. When you’re playing the CPU you don’t have to worry about “glitch money plays”. Trust me - NCAA is gonna be
This is so true. I just hope they don't go all in online (which they will for the $$$). I have a feeling though it will be like the nostalgia we have toward MVP Baseball offline - it's not coming back.
@go4stros25 I mean usually I don't care about how people spend their money but it's very sad SDS still keeps getting rewarded by the whales when all we want is a quality MLB game.
@AdeptOfMemory said in All collections & cards are DONE!…Finished until December:
@go4stros25 I mean usually I don't care about how people spend their money but it's very sad SDS still keeps getting rewarded by the whales when all we want is a quality MLB game.
Imagine being “sad” because other people choose to spend their money on games. What a simp
I fully agree. I am an old guy, so I vividly remember playing video games when there was no such thing as an update. The update was next year when the new game came out, or if you took the time to make rosters yourself. There was no Internet, so you couldn't download the roster that the other guy made either. I played NCAA back in the day, and the offline mode was fun, but that is because that is all there was. In this age of "instant downloads and information", people aren't going to be as excited with a totally offline mode as they think they will be.
@YeahBruv412 Do you know what a simp is? I don't think you do. I think you heard that word cause someone called YOU that and now you're just wanting to use. Can you tell me what it means?
@YeahBruv412 Also, I never said "it makes me sad". I said "it is sad". The English language, while tricky for simpletons like yourself, once you get the hang of it it can be rather easy to understand if you know what definitions and context of the words being used are.
There a difference between a sad situation and something making you sad. You are a sad pathetic individual but I'm not sad because of it. -
@AdeptOfMemory Uh oh…3 responses in response to a one sentence statement…Think I touched a nerve boys!
Think we got us a SIMP for all the angry NMS players.
Adept - You’re not fooling anyone. Everyone on here can read you. You’re a poor that is mad that he can’t afford a double wide, Let alone Babe Ruth…So you come on here hell bent on causing problems with “whales” because they have what you don’t and there’s nothing you can or will do about it other than cry on a forum.
@YeahBruv412 what
Good to see that the forum mods are still on vacation.
@AdeptOfMemory said in All collections & cards are DONE!…Finished until December:
Yeah I'll probably just stop playing until Christmas like last year when I get PS gift cards.
I have a Core deck built for when the season resets but I might just not even play because I'm not going into ranked with an 84 overall rated team using free bottom of the barrel cards from storyline moments and cheap core cards while all the sweats get to use their Babe Ruth's, Willie Mays, and Jon Donaldson's.
Nah. I'll stick to real video games like Balders Gate or GTA. Games made by actual developers that actually do their jobs when their games are struggling.You don't have to be a "sweat" to have babe. Just do LS collections. Anyone can do it.
@YeahBruv412 said in All collections & cards are DONE!…Finished until December:
@AdeptOfMemory said in All collections & cards are DONE!…Finished until December:
@go4stros25 I mean usually I don't care about how people spend their money but it's very sad SDS still keeps getting rewarded by the whales when all we want is a quality MLB game.
Imagine being “sad” because other people choose to spend their money on games. What a simp
Imagine challenging people to a fight in a video game forum. What a scrub