@ebbets1957 said in CBREV?:
Could have been. Maybe I missed it. I just hope that he is getting very involved, because I always felt he was the most knowledgeable streamer out there, and they really need someone like that helping them with their decisions. Just a great guy as well.
NOTE Went back and watched it, that wasnt CBREV
Are you sure? Go to this video FF to around 12:40. It was a short prerecorded segment.
CBREV was supposed to be a go between for SDS & the community. He comments like once every couple months…OUTSTANDING JOB CBREV!!!!
@ebbets1957 You are definitely wrong. That was CBREV … alive and kicking
. He is my favourite streamer. Even my wife recognized his voice
@YeahBruv412 said in CBREV?:
CBREV was supposed to be a go between for SDS & the community. He comments like once every couple months…OUTSTANDING JOB CBREV!!!!
Last year I believe he was the Community Manager but this year he apparently moved to the content team so I don't think that previous description still holds true.
@YOSHI24 I see that. Obviously missed that short part of the vid. Glad he's still around. Hope they start using him more, he was my favorite streamer as well
@Dolenz64 So they just didn’t replace him? lol tremendous…SDS just burning it all to the ground.
@YeahBruv412 said in CBREV?:
@Dolenz64 So they just didn’t replace him? lol tremendous…SDS just burning it all to the ground.
Who said that they didn't replace him. Maybe they did and maybe they didn't. We just don't know. It's not like he posted on this forum regularly when he did have that position.
@Dolenz64 That’s my point…Someone in that position should be on these boards answering questions at least 5 days a week…ITS THEIR JOB
@YeahBruv412 nah you're not going to see that. They don't even post when content is going to be released on these forums. You have to venture out to X or somewhere else for that info.
@Cubsfan217 said in CBREV?:
@YeahBruv412 nah you're not going to see that. They don't even post when content is going to be released on these forums. You have to venture out to X or somewhere else for that info.
I repost that info here far more than they do, which is not hard because they never do it.