A fair compromise
I know it’s year two of sets and seasons, and it’s still an experiment. I know they’re trying out the power creep, but it feels like they released the 99s a little too late with the grind. For most players getting the 99s and the Season collection rewards are going to be too late and they’ll end up playing with the cards for about a week before having to grind all over again. I
My compromised solution would be to make the three season collection cards core. The Mays, Paige and Brett. I think it’s a fair and it allows for a few things.
One the pack content, as a player it gives me more of an incentive to buy packs, and lock in my Stubbs knowing that these cards will lead to core and I don’t have a time limit on them.
Two, it takes away the anxiety of the grind and the time limit, if for some reason as causal player I can’t fully get TA 3 done, i still have something to work for and finish to obtain cards.
Three, it holds the value of set 1. So basically if the release set cards in maps and in programs, it keeps the cards meaning something to the game.
I know they’re are wild cards, but for me, making season collection card rewards at least compromises some of the content issues, pack issues. It’s an expensive collection, so I think removing the time limit helps.
The problem is that a power creep does not work well with Seasons. The reason we were sold "Seasons" last year was as a way to give us "99's Day 1". Seasons are designed for a sprint, whereas their previous "Innings" format naturally supported the power creep.If they are going to keep the "power creep" next year, as I am in favor of, then they need to go back to "Innings".