$350 Digital cards that expire faster than your license
Just letting y'all know that there are cards on this game's market that cost more and expire sooner than your [censored] state license.
This is how this company stays in business.
We paid $80+ dollars to get a worse version of the previous game so we could pay more for digital content that won't be usable in a few months.......
Not even Wizards of the Coast could make such a vile scheme. -
What card costs $350 or I guess 350k stubs? I see Posada and Prince Fielder in the 400k Buy Now range, but you can get those for free by playing ranked.
AdeptOfMemoryreplied to BJDUBBYAH on May 11, 2024, 5:16 PM last edited by AdeptOfMemory_MLBTS May 11, 2024, 5:18 PM
@BJDUBBYAH Posada is 490 Fielder is 444. Stubs are 1000 per $1 USD best deal you can get is $100 for 150k. You would need to buy $400 in stubs to buy posada outright same for fielder to round down 50-90k stubs is disgusting but I'm not arguing your simp/whale level cauee I already know. That's hilarious you tried to round down and act as if having a digital product that doesn't last 10 months costing $300+ is totally fine.
Saying "you get them playing ranked" I will need you to break down the amount of time, games played, wins, and stats you need to achieve to get these cards so we can be open about what "playing ranked" actually entails. I play 2-4 hours a day almost entirely ranked only. Very open to tell you I'm not a top player nor very good. I will never say I'm no money spent. I spent $80 to play the game and I pay $15 a month to play online. You have to spend money to play this game regardless of using their market.
I still have yet to obtain ANY of the free legends you get from ranked as you say ie Pettitte, Posada, Fielder.
I got a two world series rewards that gave me Cameron and Vaughn 97/93 overall. What's more hilarious is the day I got them for free was the day the dropped from 175k stubs down to 30k. SDS knows what they are doing.
The average player will NEVER see these cards but the whales, streamers, and basement dwellers will see these cards.
But I guess I could just play offline modes for the top tier best of the best sub par cards that too will only last a couple months before being absolutely useless. But I guess while I play offline I am losing time I could have played ranked.......now when I go back to playing ranked my roster is [censored] and I'm weaker than the sweats and I need to back to playing offline to earn more cards so I can go back to ranked where my cards are expired so then I back to offline to get more cards so I can come back to ranked but my cards are.......hmmmmm I guess I should just see whats on the market........Also, you said you blocked me but here you are. Ready to fight for your overlords.
Their prices are that high because they came out yesterday. Lol, they’ll both be 40k stubs in weeks.
You’re literally yelling at SDS about how supply and demand works. Lol
I haven't spent a dime . Not a single dime . I got the game on Xbox game pass for free . My original idea was to spend the money I would normally have on stubs but then decided not to . I have a competitive team . If you want to spend $350 on a card that's your choice no one is putting a gun to your head to buy cards .
@jaychvz That's pretty great and you're absolutely right!
What's your lineup, your rank, and how many hours a day do you play? Did you play offline to get any of your cards? -
Paid $120 for the PS4 & PS5 versions I upgraded to PS5 last week, SDS won't get another dime.Now I've spent a lot more then $350 on other games so I'm not judging but it is your choice to buy these cards SDS does not make you do anything.
@Doppelganger39 true! So are you ok with the product you have after spending $150? Do you feel you are able to obtain any of these cards without paying more?
@AdeptOfMemory said in $350 Digital cards that expire faster than your license:
@Doppelganger39 true! So are you ok with the product you have after spending $150? Do you feel you are able to obtain any of these cards without paying more?
I play offline.
@Doppelganger39 That's where we differ. There's no possible way I could find myself paying money for this game to play only offline. I wouldn't have bought it.
@AdeptOfMemory said in $350 Digital cards that expire faster than your license:
@BJDUBBYAH Posada is 490 Fielder is 444. Stubs are 1000 per $1 USD best deal you can get is $100 for 150k. You would need to buy $400 in stubs to buy posada outright same for fielder to round down 50-90k stubs is disgusting but I'm not arguing your simp/whale level cauee I already know. That's hilarious you tried to round down and act as if having a digital product that doesn't last 10 months costing $300+ is totally fine.
Saying "you get them playing ranked" I will need you to break down the amount of time, games played, wins, and stats you need to achieve to get these cards so we can be open about what "playing ranked" actually entails. I play 2-4 hours a day almost entirely ranked only. Very open to tell you I'm not a top player nor very good. I will never say I'm no money spent. I spent $80 to play the game and I pay $15 a month to play online. You have to spend money to play this game regardless of using their market.
I still have yet to obtain ANY of the free legends you get from ranked as you say ie Pettitte, Posada, Fielder.
I got a two world series rewards that gave me Cameron and Vaughn 97/93 overall. What's more hilarious is the day I got them for free was the day the dropped from 175k stubs down to 30k. SDS knows what they are doing.
The average player will NEVER see these cards but the whales, streamers, and basement dwellers will see these cards.
But I guess I could just play offline modes for the top tier best of the best sub par cards that too will only last a couple months before being absolutely useless. But I guess while I play offline I am losing time I could have played ranked.......now when I go back to playing ranked my roster is [censored] and I'm weaker than the sweats and I need to back to playing offline to earn more cards so I can go back to ranked where my cards are expired so then I back to offline to get more cards so I can come back to ranked but my cards are.......hmmmmm I guess I should just see whats on the market........Also, you said you blocked me but here you are. Ready to fight for your overlords.
So the person that thinks rewards are deserved for taking a survey, doesn’t think Ranked Seasons, making World Series, or finishing the program, deserves rewards?
That just doesn’t add up
Also, are you new to online gaming? It’s not free. That would be Socialism, and I have a hard time believing you support Socialism.
You might as well add the cost of internet and electricity to your whining about two cards that will be 40k in 14 days as well.
@BJDUBBYAH So how do you get Pettitte and Posada?
@AdeptOfMemory I got Pettite from the XP reward path. I’ll get Posada from playing Ranked. But I mostly play co-op, which now has stat missions.
@BJDUBBYAH When and how many hours did it take?
Lemme jump to the point for you:
It's not possible for casual players to play this game. It's a sweaty, salty, stinky, no shower, living on parents amenities kind of game.
I understand this game isn't Fortnite. It's not call of duty. It's not Fallout and it's not Skyrim. It's not full of hours of gameplay. It's not full of story modes packed with content.
It is full repeatable mind numbing moments that are the same exact thing each time over and over. It is full of ridiculously simple and easy to blow through storylines (they are the same moments as mentioned before but with sparkles and slow motion). It is full of endless cash grabs on a market. It is full of bugs and unpolished gameplay.
So while it's NOT like Fortnite, CoD, Siege, Fallout, or Skyrim, it IS a lot like Cookie Clicker, Candy Crash, MLB 9 Innings, and anything else on an app store.You spent a ridiculous amount of hours or money wether you say you did or not I have no proof. You certainly defend SDS like you've invested a lot into them so it's hard to believe you're no money spent.
I play magic and I'm not here bitching about $300+ cards. They don't force me to buy those cards but I still play it. I also hate what they do too but guess what? That $300+ isn't digital. You can reinvest it. It's a real item. It's not digital and controlled by a shitty company that can literally drop its usefulness at any time. It can be 40 years old and I can always use it st ANY time. Every one of these cards wether you spend money on it or time to get it are USELESS in just a few months. It's pathetic. Stop defending them. Please. You're going against your fellow man to lick some boots. Crazy, man.
I’ve played 17 solo ranked games, and 100 co-op innings. Finished both previous ranked programs, earned one card and bought the other when they got cheap. I haven’t spent a dime since release, and I don’t keep track of my offline games, nor my hours, as I play to have fun, earn packs, finish programs, finish collections etc. As this is a video game, they’re for entertainment so that’s why I play. If I’m not having fun, I don’t play. If there are things I can’t have in the game, via things I don’t want to do, I don’t care.
You know who throws temper tantrums about wanting things they can’t have?
AdeptOfMemorywrote on May 11, 2024, 8:18 PM last edited by AdeptOfMemory_MLBTS May 11, 2024, 8:18 PM
You earned pettitte and bought 99 posada? Or you bought Pettitte? What's cheap?
@AdeptOfMemory You cant'buy Pettite. That card is in the S1 reward path. and 40k stubs for a World Series reward card is cheap. They're all 40K or less, just like Posada will be.
@BJDUBBYAH You think 40k is cheap? Really?
You can't be casual thinking 40k is cheap. Still proving my point about the sweats and vampirism is required to think 40k stubs is cheap. -
@AdeptOfMemory 40K stubs is cheap when you're stub flush. Learn how to Diamond Dynasty dude. I'm sure there are Youtube tutorials you can watch.