not getting xp
@CadeHockFly5723 It's likely just a bug and nothing you can do. If you are the invite of a friends 2v2 or 3v3 you won't get the parallel XP and in many cases you won't receive XP at all. That's common bug from multiplayer right now with no end in sight of fixing.
Best you can do is uninstall reinstall but it's likely just never going to get fixed. Eventually you will see your XP. Make sure you don't surrender games though. That just makes it worse. -
this has nothing to do with multiplayer. I am talking about the gameplay xp
AdeptOfMemoryreplied to CadeHockFly5723 on May 4, 2024, 2:30 PM last edited by AdeptOfMemory_MLBTS May 4, 2024, 2:31 PM
@CadeHockFly5723 Yeah it happens in all modes just more in multiplayer. Don't miss the point of "these are bugs the game devs will not have fixed." Best you can do is report and hope the devs notice it when they are taking a dump on the clock.
that's what I did. I doubt I'll get a response back
@CadeHockFly5723 yeah they reply mostly to things that are giving you a hard time trying to spend money. I'm not exaggerating. The times they comment are when it affects their bottom dollar the most ie content drops, using the market on the Companion app, or having your account reset preventing you from using your stubs. I'm sorry you're having the XP issue. When I had it I just dealt with it and eventually a ton of packs got dropped on me after a win. It's likely they are just sitting in limbo and you will get it all after a game some day.
I hope so. its been like this for a few days. like I said I thought I hit the xp cap but I never got the message
If you played homerun derby, you may need to reinstall. It has been an issue for a couple years now
@CadeHockFly5723 said in not getting xp:
I am not getting xp in game. I don't think I hit the xp cap cause I never received the alert saying I did. is there a way to check if you hit the cap?
Did you adjust any of the sliders?
I also cannot see daily xp earned, and when the cap resets. Looked all over and cannot find it.
You need to uninstall and reinstall that normally works for people
There is a major bug in this game when it comes to XP. It's funny, I completed the individual awards series missions EXCEPT...the total XP with awards series players which sits at 0. I'm not uninstalling//reinstalling shyte! Fix your f'n game!
CadeHockFly5723wrote on May 4, 2024, 9:24 PM last edited by CadeHockFly5723_MLBTS May 4, 2024, 9:25 PM
if I uninstall won't I lose all my files?
No you won't I've done it
@CadeHockFly5723 you shouldn't. If you play on Xbox and PS you will have separate stub distribution but you shouldn't lose anything from an uninstall
@AdeptOfMemory this is off the topic but have you had or heard of a bug with corbin burnes in franchise mode?
I haven't thrown with him enough personally but the only pitching glitch or bug I get frequently is hand swap or hand disappearing altogether.
@AdeptOfMemory the bug I got twice now is when burnes gets called up by a team he isn't on to the majors which he is already in. it then duplicates him on every teams roster
@CadeHockFly5723 lol that's a good one. I know the stamina glitch in DD still exists but not that one
CadeHockFly5723replied to AdeptOfMemory on May 5, 2024, 1:18 PM last edited by CadeHockFly5723_MLBTS May 5, 2024, 1:20 PM
@AdeptOfMemory the first time it happened to me burnes wasn't even on my team. the 2nd time he was on my team and I know I didn't have him in the minors in the first place to get called up. I am trying to see if I can fix it myself but with no luck. I am feeling close to see what caused the problem though but no 100 percent sure if it was it
Re install is about the only fix you can do. I have a brand new Samsung 2 TB nvme drive that runs other games BEAUTIFULLY but th show still takes dumps on it.
I have reinstalled and it helps with things like missing stubs or menu issues but it's never fixed gameplay issues